
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch joint fake report!   (Achamyelh Tameru)

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch joint fake report!  
Achamyelh Tameru

TPLF’s surrogates i.e., Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, are fast becoming better fabricators than TPLF proper. As can be seen from the below screenshot, TPLF’s own 2017 CSA report shows the total population of the “Western Tigray” as 315,366.
However, yesterday, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch jointly reported that 774,207 Tigrayans, mainly from the rural areas, have been displaced by Amharas in 2020 from “Western Tigray”.
Even if we say the entire population of Welkait-Tegede and its surroundings were Tigrayans, has the total population of “Western Tigray” more than doubled from 2017 to 2020?
Have the Amharas borrowed more than double additional Tigrayans from the rest of the country to displace them?
Or have the Amharas borrowed more than double additional Tigrayans from the future generations of Tigrayans to displace them?
How embarrassing is it to see Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch stoop down this low?
Filed in: Current Affairs / News