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Solidarity in Education: Diaspora Support for Amhara Students

Solidarity in Education: Diaspora Support for Amhara Students In a time of crisis, Addis Ababa University’s decision to reject high-scoring Amhara students seeking refuge on campus has sparked a wave of concern and action. Despite pleas...

Blood per Acre - The Price to Pay in Addis Ababa's Ruthless Campaign for Urban Land

Blood per Acre – The Price to Pay in Addis Ababa’s Ruthless Campaign for Urban Land GIRMA BERHANU Professor “Don’t tell anybody, Gashe Tekle! We have lived in our humble homes on this land for nearly 60 years!...

Waiting for Another Historical Parting on the Red Sea 

Published with the Permission of Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis Journal   British advisor Orde Wingate with Emperor Haile Selassie in Ethiopia, 1941. Waiting for Another Historical Parting on the Red Sea  Analysis. By Gregory...

Ethiopia: Amhara Genocide and the Threat of Civil War - BY GRAHAM PEEBLES

Ethiopia: Amhara Genocide and the Threat of Civil War   BY GRAHAM PEEBLES   Since April the Ethiopian government, in the form of the ENDF (Ethiopian National Defense Force) have been engaged in violent clashes throughout the Amhara...

The Massacre at Gorgora : Abiy's Latest Genocide Backfires!

The Massacre at Gorgora : Abiy’s Latest Genocide Backfires!   Girma Berhanu (Professor)   A rump Ethiopian Army, encroached by elements of the OLF, opened fire on local people at Gorgora, Gonder, after deliberately scandalizing  them...

Time is on Fano's Side! (GIRMA BERHANU - Professor)

Time is on Fano’s Side ! The Amhara Fano Resistance and Counter-Offensive emerged out of the primordial instinct for survival ! The genocidal Abiy kleptocracy committed horrific acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing against the AMHARAs,...

Maksegnit in Gondar Liberated by Fano!

Maksegnit in Gondar Liberated by Fano! The Fano juggernaut of liberation from the genocidal dictatorship of the Abiy kleptocracy is gaining traction by the day ! Maksegnit town in Gondar, which was controlled by OPDO forces ,has now been liberated...

Raya Kobo Falls to Fano!

Raya Kobo Falls to Fano ! GIRMA BERHANU (Professor) The Great Amhara Resistance and Counter-Offensive has prevailed in the fierce fighting that has been going on in and around Raya Kobo ! Abiy’s mercenary soldiers are defecting to the...