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Ethiopian Guard Sentenced for Immigration Crimes

By SADIE GURMAN Associated Press   A man identified as a brutal Ethiopian prison guard has been sentenced to 22 years in prison for immigration violations. Kefelgn Alemu Worku (kah-FEH’-lun ah-LEE’-moo WER’-koo)...

Bloggers of the World, Unite!

Today is the 25th day in jail for Zone 9 Bloggers in Ethiopia. They have not been charged; in fact, the government could not come up with reasonable cause for detaining the 6 bloggers and 3 journalists. It has now come to our attention that...


By: Abraham Deng Lueth, USA, MAY/22/2014, SSN; The ongoing peace negotiations in Addis Ababa have seen several difficulties that are caused by the confusions and misunderstandings regarding the positions of different stakeholders in the talks....

Ethiopia's independent publishers may face another hurdle

  CPJ: In what appears to be one of a collection of measures to silence the press ahead of 2015 elections, Ethiopian authorities in the Communications Ministry are preparing a new system to control the distribution of print media. Privately...

President of the United States of America Takes a Surprise Walk

Egypt's Hosni Mubarak jailed for embezzlement

BBC News: A court in Egypt has sentenced former President Hosni Mubarak to three years in prison after finding him guilty of embezzling public funds. His two sons, Alaa and Gamal, were also convicted and given four-year terms.The three were...

SOMALIA: Sheikh Aweys speaks out, says the country is colonized by Ethiopia

Mogadishu (RBC) The well known Islamist commander Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys who has defected from Al Shabab 11 months has released his fist audio message under the detention of Somali government saying the country in under the colony of AMISOM...

Semayawi Party on the Killing of University Students in Ethiopia May 2014