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An economy in free fall, ever-deepening repression, a deteriorating security, inter-ethnic violence, and a vicious infighting within the ruling party – Ethiopia is on the cusp of political explosion. Dr. Awol Kassim Allo, For Addis Standard The...

Ethiopia-Win-Et: Understanding the Mind of the Mastermind of Ethnic Federalism [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

As long as people believed in ‘a bright future,’ they fought side by side irrespective of nationality – common questions first and foremost! But when doubt crept into people’s hearts, they began to depart, each to his own national...

The Sensational OPDO and Popular Reactions (BefeQadu Z. Hailu)

(A note inspired by a Facebook post of Yemane Mitiku) The people in social media and beyond are perplexed about what is going on within EPRDF. Almost all assumptions are made based on the news that reached the public from what is happening...

Ethiopia-Win-Et: The U.S. on the Horns of a Creeping Civil War Dilemma in Ethiopia [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable…In the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.” — John F. Kennedy The quiet riot of civil disobedience...

I Accuse Emperor Minilek II ¡¡¡¡ (By woubshet mulat)

I accuse Emperor Minilek II, because he did’nt establish an independent electoral board! Did he? I accuse Emperor Minilek II, because he  didn’t conduct periodic election! Did he? I accuse Emperor Minilek II, because he didn’t...

“Beggar Continent, No More!”, Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Today, Africa is a Continent of COMPETING BEGGAR NATIONS. We vie with one another for favours from our former colonial masters; and we deliberately fall over one another to invite neocolonialists to come to our different territories to preside...

Ethiopia: On Decolonizing Ethiopian Studies - Methodological Nationalism As Bad As Eurocentrism [By Hailegabriel G. Feyissa]

Allafrica  I am writing this short essay in response to Hewan Semon‘s rather interesting and thought-provoking opinion piece ‘Decolonizing Ethiopian Studies’. I am jumping on her offer for a conversation on issues pertaining...


Addis Standard Addis Abeba, November 30/2017 – I wrote this article as a way to initiate a conversation on the issues of decolonizing education pertaining directly to the field of Ethiopian Studies. The main purpose of this opinion is to...