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Darkness at Noon in AmeriKKKa? [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Hail to the Grief (Chief) to Come!? Donald Trump is now President-elect of the United States. He was elected by the same rigged system he so vociferously complained about: “I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest.” Well,...

Why I am Voting for Hillary Clinton on November 8 and YOU Should Too! [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

For the past year, I have railed against Donald Trump in numerous blogs. But I have not said exactly why I am supporting and voting for Hillary Clinton. I support and will vote for Hillary Clinton on November 8, 2016 NOT because she is the...

An Institution That Can Unite All Ethiopians! [Gizachew Tiruneh, Ph. D].

So, You Think You are a Democrat? [Wondmagne Ejigu]

The rationale behind the question is challenging. A democrat believes in the rule of people; it is a person who demands democracy, who advocates and protects human rights. Does it sound like someone you consider yourself to be? My reason to...

Lelisa’s Message

A wave of protest in Ethiopia highlights the country’s history of exploitation and dispossession. by Ezekiel Gebissa This summer, when marathon runner Feyisa Lelisa crossed the Rio finish line with his hands crossed above his head, he expressed...

Ethiopia: What Do We Do Now? (Part I) [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

THEY know what they want, and do NOW!  The T-TPLF has declared a “state of emergency” and unleashed a reign of terror on Ethiopia. But what do they want, and do now? What the T-TPLF wants to do NOW is use every trick in the book to remain...

How I'm Made a Dissident, Emotional Man and Usual Suspect [BefeQadu Z. Hailu]

[WARNING: If a personal note bores you, don’t read this.] I was 11 years old boy when EPRDF took power. As a kid, I had a confused feeling during the time the then ‘Woyane’ controlled Addis on Ginbot 20. During the nights before,...

Ethiopia: State of Emergency or T-TPLF S.O.S. (Save Our Souls/Ship) Emergency? [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

The jig is up for the T-TPLF! Game over! Did the T-TPLF just pull off a publicity stunt by declaring a “state of emergency”? Or was it a big distress signal the T-TPLF sent out, “Save Our Souls/Save Our Ship”? I enjoy  T-TPLF scams,...