
- The marathon king who changed the Olympics forever

- This is Why The Ethiopian Bible Got Banned

Tikuru Gisila - Fasil Demoz

Exposing the Complex Link: Fugitive,Serial Rapist,Fraudster Paster Bushiri, Abiy Ahmd & Hailemariam

Why Tadios Tantu? (Getiye Yalew)

Why Tadios Tantu? Getiye Yalew The honest journalist and historian Mr Tadios Tantu, 70 has been repeatedly arrested in many police stations and prisons because of His journalistic functions under the terrorist Tigrian People Liberation Front...

Time is on Fano's Side! (GIRMA BERHANU - Professor)

Time is on Fano’s Side ! The Amhara Fano Resistance and Counter-Offensive emerged out of the primordial instinct for survival ! The genocidal Abiy kleptocracy committed horrific acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing against the AMHARAs,...

TEDDY AFRO - ናዕት (እያመመው ቁጥር ፪)

Amnesty International recent report on Ethiopia: why now?  (Mesfin Arega)

Amnesty International recent report on Ethiopia: why now?  Mesfin Arega The Amhara people must come to terms to the glaring fact that the neocolonial west, led by none other than the English, is their permanent, mortal enemy and, therefore,...