
Archive: Page 147

TSEHAI founder, Elias Wondimu, will this week receive the Grand Officer of the Imperial Order of Emperor Menelik II

Elias Wondimu, founder and director of Tsehai Publishers, will this week receive one of the Ethiopian Crown’s most distinguished awards: the Grand Officer of the Imperial Order of Emperor Menelik II. The award was founded in 1924 during the...

The battle of Adwa [documentary]

Blood Lobbying: Ethiopian Babies Starve, T-TPLF Feeds Lobby Firm $150,000 Per Month [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Millions of Ethiopians starve to death as the T-TPLF spends millions to keep itself alive The latest USAID’s Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS) report stated: “The 2017 Humanitarian Resources Document released by the Government...

ESAT Bezhisamint [VIDEO]

Ethiopia: Peaceful Protest to Armed Uprising [By Graham Peebles]

by Graham Peebles What began as a regional protest movement in November 2015, is in danger of becoming a fully-fledged armed uprising in Ethiopia. Angered and exasperated by the governments intransigence and duplicity, small guerrilla groups...

T&T: The real reason why Oromo Activists attacked Professor Haile Larebo

Ato Nesibu Sebhat Plagiarized the EPRP’s Creative Works [By LJDemissie]

The Day America Taught the World the Meaning of the Rule of Law [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

“Fundamental to the work of this court is a vigilant recognition that is it but one of three equal branches of our federal government. The work of the court is not to create policy or judge the wisdom of any particular policy promoted by the...