
Archive: Page 2

Blood per Acre - The Price to Pay in Addis Ababa's Ruthless Campaign for Urban Land

Blood per Acre – The Price to Pay in Addis Ababa’s Ruthless Campaign for Urban Land GIRMA BERHANU Professor “Don’t tell anybody, Gashe Tekle! We have lived in our humble homes on this land for nearly 60 years!...

The Paradox of Press Freedom in Ethiopia: A Tale of Two Narratives

The Paradox of Press Freedom in Ethiopia: A Tale of Two Narratives By LJDemissie On May 3rd, the world celebrated World Press Freedom Day, a day dedicated to reminding us of the importance of press freedom and the need to protect journalists...

It is now official: Black Kenya joined the fight in Ukraine for white domination

It is now official: Black Kenya joined the fight in Ukraine for white domination   “If Ukraine falls, it will be the end of western hegemony.” (Boris Johnson, former prime minister of England) Mesfin Arega “The best fate for Africa...

Congressman Tim Walberg, Gaza, and the low threshold of the US nuclear option:

Congressman Tim Walberg, Gaza, and the low threshold of the US nuclear option: the urgent need for a crash project to develop African nuclear weapons and delivery systems. Mesfin Arega “We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid...

Fano: A Mass Outrage for Amhara Existence, Justice and Ethiopian Unity

Fano: A Mass Outrage for Amhara Existence, Justice and Ethiopian Unity Girma Berhanu (Professor) This paper is a continuation of my previous work Fano: A Living Saviour of The Amhara People And The Ethiopian Spirit – Analysis. A lot has happened...

- This is Why The Ethiopian Bible Got Banned

A Malthusian Interpretation of the Political Crisis in Ethiopia !

A Malthusian Interpretation of the Political Crisis in Ethiopia ! GIRMA BERHANU Professor Over the last fifty years Ethiopia’s population grew from about 30 million to over 120 million !   The price of the staple food crop teff shot...

The hypocrisy of the American Empire: the case of Muslims in India and China

The hypocrisy of the American Empire: the case of Muslims in India and China “Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.”         President F. D. Roosevelt (about the brutal dictator of Nicaragua Mesfin Arega Singapore...