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Archive: Page 245

TEDDY AFRO:Togetherness song

A record-setting race weekend wraps up

MARIE-DANIELLE SMITH  Tigist Tufa celebrates with the Ethiopian flag after crossing the finish line first in the women’s marathon on Sunday, It was a record-setting weekend in Ottawa. A record 47,500 athletes in total registered for...

Ethiopia: Crimes Against University Students and Humanity (Prof. Alemayehu G. Mariam)

On May 2, 2014, BBC reported that the security forces of the regime in Ethiopia had massacred at least 47 university and high school students in the town of Ambo 80 miles west of the capital Addis Ababa. The regime dismissed the massacre and...


Yemen: Migrants Held at ‘Torture Camps’ Human Right Watch

Hold Traffickers, Officials Accountable for Role in Abuses (Sanaa) –Traffickers in Yemen hold African migrants in detention camps, torturing them to extort payment from their families, with the complicity of local officials, Human Rights Watch...

''Medrek'' successful demonstration, blue party (Semayawi) took a part

Medrek Party (Federal Democratic Unity Forum) did a demonstration in Adddis abeba today. Hundreds of thousands of protesters demanded the TPLF Ethiopian regime to stop killing students,to stop evicting farmers and grabbing their land in the...

Ethiopian Guard Sentenced for Immigration Crimes

By SADIE GURMAN Associated Press   A man identified as a brutal Ethiopian prison guard has been sentenced to 22 years in prison for immigration violations. Kefelgn Alemu Worku (kah-FEH’-lun ah-LEE’-moo WER’-koo)...

Bloggers of the World, Unite!

Today is the 25th day in jail for Zone 9 Bloggers in Ethiopia. They have not been charged; in fact, the government could not come up with reasonable cause for detaining the 6 bloggers and 3 journalists. It has now come to our attention that...