
Top ten  Reasons Why Tedros Adhanom is TOTALLY  unfit to head the WHO? (Achamyeleh Tameru)

Top ten  Reasons Why Tedros Adhanom is TOTALLY  unfit to head the WHO?

Achamyeleh Tameru
* We have been opposing Tedros Adhanom not because of who he is but because he is a criminal and a cold-blooded murderer.  Among other things, he is the person  directly responsible for the mass sterilization of young Amhara women. In fact this record of him had been the pre-requested record he needed to have to come to the helm of WHO.  When he was running for the Directorship of WHO, I wrote a couple of articles opposing him  on the ground of his incapacity  and the crimes he did while he was one of  the seven members of the  politburo of the then ruling TPLF.  I am sharing one of those article I wrote in 2017, opposing Tedros`s nomination,  
that is still valid today.
1. Tedros Adhanom’s  Masters and PhD credentials are highly questionable. Except his first degree  (the laboratory technician credential), his second and third degrees are not reflections of a competence that a  Master and PhD holder in the  field should command. Tedros Adhanom has obtained his second and third degrees  by submitting government researches that were  conducted by other expert Ethiopians who were employed by the Ethiopian  Ministry of Health.
In other words, Tedros’s Masters and PhD dissertations   are  nothing but government researches that were conducted by other researchers who were working  for the Ethiopian  Ministry of Health as an expert.  That means, Tedros Adhanom has never written his own  thesis or dissertation to obtain MSc and PhD but submitted government researchers as his to obtain the two degrees.
So, since the government  researches that Tedros Adhanom has submitted to obtain  his second and third degree are not the ones that were  conducted by Tedros Adhanom himself (but by expert Ethiopians who were employed by the Ministry of Health as career researchers), Tedros Adhanom  lacks the minimum competence,  educational  preparedness and the right credential  to lead WHO.
‪                #‎NoTedros4WHO‬
2. Tedros Adhanom’s  incompetency has also  been reflected in a number of  other ways. During the Q&A session with the WHO panel of experts, the world has seen Tedros Adhanom failing to understand the world’s North-South dichotomy.  Not only this, he could not also able to comprehend the questions being asked. (Here is the link to the Q&A session : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGIwlfZm1Ww )
One may say that as a Minster of Health he might not be obliged to know the world’s North-South dichotomy. But for someone who has been the Ethiopian  Minister of Foreign Affairs for years  failing to understand  the world’s North-South dichotomy  can’t be taken as his sheer weakness but as a yardstick that shows the level of irreversible process of implosion  Ethiopia has been through under Tedros’s regime where the  value of knowledge has been reduced to that of its random component facts. WHO deserves someone who understands the world order better than an  oblivion and incompetent  Tedros Adhanom.
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3. Another proof that shows Tedros’s  incompetency and poor judgment is his  March 2015 televised press release,  as a Foreign Minister, to the people of Ethiopia in which he said that  a 14 year-old Australian girl of Ethiopian heritage  come to Ethiopia  to offer  AUD$20 million prize she had won in Australia to build  schools in Ethiopia. (See the following video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEu2AAv8fN4).  Tedros has also shared this mendacious  story on his official facebook page by demonstrating the incident as an accomplishment of    the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs he leads.
But thanks to the investigative journalist Abebe Gellaw,   Tedros’s naked lies have been publicly  exposed a couple of days after Tedros  “broke” the news about the 14 years girl. According to Abebe Gellaw’s well researched findings, which Tedros himself has admitted later,  the “AUD$20 million prize” has never existed. The teenager who enjoyed Tedros applauds for her generosity and love of Ethiopia has never received such a prize.
When exposed by the findings of Abebe Gellaw (can be accessed here: http://ecadforum.com/2015/03/02/tedros-adhanom-caught-in-20-million-teen-prize-scandal/) Tedros Adhanom has come out to admit the fact that the  story of “AUD$20 million prize”  is fake but  put the  blame on the child for his failed propaganda.  The eight grader’s story could have been verified by  making  a phone call. Neither Tedros  nor his subordinates  questioned the authenticity of their conversation  with  a 14 year-old who claims that she has won  “AUD$20 million prize” and bothered to make a phone call and verify the story. WHO deserves a better person than Tedros who  blames a 14 years old girl for his and his Ministry’s failure to  verify a story. WHO deserves a responsible  leader than the reckless Tedros Adhanom.
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4. It is also worth mentioning what Tedros’s  ex-master Meles Zenawi has said about Mr. Adhanom  when  presenting him   as a candidate to the  post of  the Ethiopian  Minister of Health.  The year of his appointment as minister of Health was October 2005. When Meles was presenting him  to the rubber stump parliament for approval, among the credentials  Meles Zenawi used to  present Tedros as a candidate for the position of  minister of Health were Tedros’s unquestionable  loyalty to the party and  his Tigrian ethnic background.
In his own words,  Meles  said, he has presented Tedros Adhanom as a candidate for the  post of  the Minister of Health before the parliament for approval not because Tedros is a proficient  vaccinator but because his loyalty to the party and Meles Zenawi was unquestionable. (One can check this story by watching  at Meles Zenawi’s parliamentary speech in October 2005).  This by itself tells the fact that Tedors has been highly posted,  as Ethiopia’s Minister of Health, NOT because he was competent and educated to lead the Ethiopian Minister of Health but because his loyalty (ethnic Tigrian) to Meles Zenawi and the ruling party was unquestionable. That means Tedros never stood out because of his intellect.
So, since Tedros was highly posted to lead the Ethiopian Ministry of Health based of his loyalty and ethnic affiliation, his appointment and leadership in the ministry has nothing to do with competence and excellence.  WHO deserves someone who has been enjoying  upward mobility  based on competence and excellence NOT based on backward and primitive traits such as  loyalty and ethnic affiliation.
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5. It is a well established fact that the  current Ethiopia’s  health workforce is insufficient in quantity and substantially poor in quality.  This so happened because Tedros Adhanom, by design,  watered down the curriculum for the medical students of  the medical schools Ethiopia  and reduced them  to be the most political centers. Because of this, even though there is an increase in the number of “graduates”  of  medical schools, a figure that  Tedros is claiming to be the fruit of his policy, the skill base of the graduates of the medical school  cannot become an engine  of quality and efficiency in reducing, among  other things   early childhood mortality and child malnutrition.
(See  https://dhsprogram.com/pubs/pdf/PR81/PR81.pdf  for the case of Amharas of Ethiopia; Early Childhood Mortality Report (Page 21); Children with diarrhea Report (Page 29); Child malnutrition Report  (Page31))
So, let alone to provide solutions to the health problem of the world,  Tedros Adhanom  didn`t have  have a proper  policy plan to propose for Ethiopia, and he doesn’t know how to execute a policy. As far as I can tell, he doesn’t know the first thing about running  an institution professionally. So, he doesn’t qualify to lead a single Health Center in Rural Ethiopia let alone the complex WHO.
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6. In connection to point 5, I want to add the following irresponsible comment  of Tedros Adhanom. In an interview he gave to PRI Public Radio International in December 2012, Tedros said his  regime has  opened 13 new medical schools and the goal of his  regime’s health policy to  alleviate the severe physician shortage in Ethiopia is “to deliberately overproduce doctors and flood the country with new physicians.”  In a country that has “severe physician shortage” adopting a policy of opening dozens of medical schools with little or no preparation in terms of staffing, facilities, equipment and educational supplies is tantamount to awarding medical degrees to students who are not prepared adequately to carry out their responsibilities.
The above statement is verified by the doctors themselves  who are teaching at Tedros’s newly opened medical schools   by following this  link.. https://www.pri.org/stories/2012-12-21/ethiopia-moving-address-doctor-shortage-critics-say-corners-being-cut. This type of  damaging and dangerous national program that is not acceptable in any part of the work, for  it  produces substandard doctors, can not be commented as an achievement when it comes  to Ethiopia.
We have seen  Kaiser Family Foundation giving  extensive coverage of  Tedros Adhanom and his alleged  “achievements” in the health sector. Does  Kaiser Family Foundation advise its partner hospitals in the US to employ the substandard  doctors of Tedros Adhanom’s, that were produced with his policy of ” deliberately overproducing  doctors and flood the country with new physicians, to treat patients in the United States? Are the   Kaiser Family Foundation staff willing to be admitted to the Ethiopian Hospitals that are staffed by Tedros Adhanom’s substandard doctors? Let alone Kaiser Family Foundation people, Tedros Adhanom and his families are not treated in the Ethiopian hospitals.
Tedros and other high level regime officials of TPLF  have a government budget  of  millions of dollars, collected from the poor tax payers,  to cover their  medical bills  abroad. That means, Tedros and his callous regime  operatives are staffing Ethiopian hospitals with substandard doctors because the regime operatives and their families are not treated in the poorly equipped hospitals by substandard doctors   but gleefully presenting these as an achievement  to humbug the world and  help them  build an  image they can’t get out of the fruits of their failed health policy .
In all,  the production of an ill-prepared workforce has immensely contributed to  the loss of  life in Ethiopia especially  due medical errors in hospitals and diseases that can be easily cured had there been a qualified medics.
According to a study conducted in 2015 by a group of Ethiopia professors teaching at Bahir Dar University [Department of Nursing]  and Gondar University [Institute of Public Health]  medication errors at a Referral that affect patients in terms of morbidity, mortality, adverse drug events, and increased length of hospital stay are   highly prevalent.
One of the she hospitals in the case study, that is Gondar Hospital,  was  established in 1953  to serve 25,000 people  and currently this hospital  is the only referral hospital in North West Ethiopia  providing a service for more than five million people. This hospital  that  has been once awarded the  “Best Performing Hospital” award of the country has  now been reduced to its  today highly prevalence of medical  and clinical errors  attributed to Tedros’s   prescription of  flooding  the country with substandard doctors and nurses to alleviate the country shortage of physicians. Tedros Adhanon is primary responsible for many gross medical  crimes he committed on Ethiopians. So, a person who prescribes  a reform of ” flooding  the country with substandard doctors and nurses” to solve the shortage of doctors can’t be trusted to lead WHO.
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7.  Ethiopia has won the less-than-enviable sobriquet of ‘the North Korea of Africa’. It was only in North Korea and a diverse Ethiopia that the ruling  political party has declared itself a 100 percent winner.  A year after the regime  declared that it has won the election 100 percent, the country has been engulfed by a mass  popular uprising  that has never seen in Africa’s history in its scale. The popular uprising has now  escalated into a resistance. Following this event, Tedros’s regime has declared a state of emergency and it by this state of emergency, NOT by the rule of law, that the regime his ganging in power.
So far the regime has taken the lives of more than 2000 Ethiopians including children and seniors. For the past 26 years the death , torture, disappearance and exile of countless Ethiopian professionals, including health professionals, have been our fates.  One of the masterminds behind all these atrocities was Tedros Adhanom.  Tedros Adhanom  is  also the politburo member of TPLF, the highest ranking leaders of the ruling  party and he is/was that is directly responsible for the death, torture, disappearance and exile of countless skilled  Ethiopians, including health professionals. So, a man with these credentials doesn’t qualify to lead WHO.
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8. The so-called strong points of  Tedros Adhanom,  the attainment of  health related goals of  MDG’s, CANNOT be independently verifiable.  Accepting Tedros’s  manipulated  figures and cooked data is tantamount to  validating his party’s  declaration of  winning an  election  100%  where he is the politburo of the party behind  the preparation of all the manipulations,  control tactics, rigging and maneuverings.  WHO deserves someone who has real  credentials in changing lives not someone who took lives of innocent peoples and cooked data to stay long in power.
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9. Tedros Adhanom is also  the mastermind behind a well founded  forced sterilization of young Amhara women and the ordering of longer contraceptives  in the name of preventing pregnancy. This is in fact a genocidal warfare. This  warfare has hugely impacted the size of Amharas.  (The graphic testimony of young Amhara women forcefully sterilized by Tedros’s Ministry of Health and the TPLF regime can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdqCctSsfa4 ).  In 2005, according to the regime’s  owed Central Statistics Authority, the number of  Amhara Ethiopians have been reduced by 2.4 millions.  This reduction in the Amharas of Ethiopia is a well-designed and effectively implemented program of Tedros’s Adhanom and his regime.   Ethiopians consider the endorsing of  Tedros to lead  WHO the same as the endorsing of his  forced sterilization of young Amhara women and the ordering of longer contraceptives.  So, Tedros Adhanom, who is responsible behind the depopulation  of the Amharas of Ethiopia  in a genocidal warfare can’t be a candidate to  lead the humanitarian organization, WHO.
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10. Tedros Adhanom is a pathetic lair and has a proven record of  having no Integrity. In his application to the WHO top position, he filed that  English is his mother tongue or native language. This is a naked lie. He was born and raised in Eritrea speaking Tigrigna as his native  language. As can be checked from the English addresses he made, let alone commanding the English language to the level of a native speaker, his command (in understanding and speaking) of the  English language  is poor  by the level of Ethiopians who speak English as their second language.
The campaigners  of Tedros Adhanom  portray himself  as a medical doctor. But he is not a medical doctor, has no formal medical training, and holds no license or degrees in medicine. He is a laboratory technician. But we have never seen him correcting others from referring him as a medical doctor.
In addition, in an answer he gave to today’s  Health Check  program of BBC World Service Radio ( Can be accessed here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p052h2h0#play) Tedros said he doesn’t  want people to die. This comment of Tedros is an insult to all people with conscious.  Tedros’s TPLF regime has admitted to the rubber stamp parliament that this past year alone 700  civilians,  most of them are children and seniors,  have been killed by the regime forces for conducting a peaceful demonstration.  By the way, this killing has been conducted after  an order has been issued  by TPLF’s  politburo to mercilessly crush any dissent on sight.
As indicated  above, in the TPLF politburo Tedros is a member and one of the key decision makers. That means the killing of the 700 civilians  that the regime has admitted  has come after Tedros ( along with other politburo members) has  signed an execution order of indiscriminate killing of the dissenters.  It is this Tedros of the TPLF politburo who signed  an execution order of  merciless and indiscriminate killing  of Ethiopians and  has actually admitted the killing 700 civilians by his forces  who appears on BBC World Service to  blatantly  lie that  he doesn’t  want people to die shows.  This is really a cruel and heartless denial.
With all these, WHO deserves a healer not a killer  who jokes at our injury by saying that ” he doesn’t  want people to die” after taking  thousands of lives in one year alone.
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