Another ethnic hate -driven and premeditated killing of 14 innocent people in Benishangul-Gumuz
Obang Meto
Another horror caused by ethnic based politics. When will these barbaric killing end in Ethiopia?
I call on the Ethiopian government to conduct an independent and transparent enquiry into the atrocities committed in Oromia and Benishangul-Gumuz regions bring the perpetrators to justice.

We cannot bring back any of their lives, but we can work towards making a New and better Ethiopia where such things can never happen again. An Ethiopia where we put our humanity before our religion, ethnicity or any other difference and see each person as part of our greater Ethiopian family.
When one part of our society like individuals from different ethnic groups, Muslims, Christians and non-believers is afflicted with pain, it affects the rest of us. When we afflict great sections of our people with pain, it will be felt by the nation for “no one is free until all are free!”
We are in a better position to contribute to the future rather than becoming stuck in ethnic hate and anger. As a country, this is our plight. We seem to all be recovering from some bitter wrongs in the past.
We must advocate for a different future. As each of us makes a decision this day, choose to contribute and resist the evil plan of the ethnic extremists that can lead to the destruction of our beloved country.
May we seek God’s/Allah’s comfort, strength and guidance in the difficult path ahead of us.