ጋዜጠኛ አበበ ገላው የዐቢይ አሕመድን Academic Achievement ለማጣራት ያደረገውን “ምርመራ” በሚመለከት ላነሳሁበት ትችት መልስ ሳይሰጥ የተነሳውን ዋና ጉዳይ deflect በማድረግ ለማለፍ መርጧል። I mean either he missed the whole point or he wanted to miss the whole point. But aversion and diversion of the issue at hand will take us nowhere! The problem with Abebe`s approach of deflecting the issue hand, unfortunately, is not new. When one does not have a valid argument, reason to rebut and/or refute the issue at hand s/he goes to divert the issue. That is called Fallacy. And that is Logic 101.That is the ABC in Logic 101 classes. Please let us stick to the main issue here.
“The damning evidence on Abadula’s bogus diplomas has also been discovered in the speaker’s biographies posted on the parliament’s website, his official Facebook page as well as Wikipedia. The almost identical biographies on the official pages claim: “Abadula has a rare mix of military and civilian education. His military education was obtained from the Defense University of China, a close ally of Ethiopia under the EPRDF, in Military Leadership in 1995.
“But Abadula seems to not stop there. His civilian education has taken him both ways across the Atlantic,” it claimed. “His education in the U.S. was focused on public administration. BSc in military science from the Defense University of China [nonexistent] in 1995, BA in Public administration from Century University of USA in 2001. MA in Public administration from Century University of USA in 2004 MA in International Relations from Greenwich University, UK, in 2009.” The same line of narration about the speaker with four degrees has been repeated by the state-controlled media.”
አበበ ገላው ይህንን ጽሑፍ እኔ አልጻፍሁትም ካላላ በስተቀር የ8ኛ ክፍል drop out ነው ያለውን አባ ዱላን በሚመለከት በፓርላማው ዊብሳት ላይ ተጸፋው የሚገኙ፤ ግን ውሸት ዲፕሎማዎች [በአበበ ቋንቋ bogus diplomas] ከተባሉት ውስጥ አባ ዱላ እ.ኤ.አ. በ2009 ዓ.ም. MA in International Relations from Greenwich University ያለው ይገኝበታል። የ8ኛ ክፍል drop out ባለው በአባ ዱላ ላይ ይህን የጻፈው አበበ ገላው ነው እንግዲህ ዐቢይ አሕመድ ከዚህ ተመሳሳይ ተቋም አገኘ ያለውን የማስትሬት ዲግሪ እውነተኛ ነው እያለ የሚከላከለው።