
Report on human rights council members training session at Ambo and Zeway city -  Dereje Melaku

Report on human rights council members training session at Ambo and Zeway city – 



Dereje Melaku



Report on ,EHRCO brnch office memorandum discussions, basic human rights violations report awareness creation sessions , organization of EHRCO Contact persons which have been conducted in Ambo and Zeway (batu) Towns

  1. Back ground

The Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHARCO) is an independent, non governmental, on profit making, non partisan and non political organization established on 10 October 1991. The founding members are Ethiopians from all walks of life- academics, professionals and business men- who are committed for the cause of human rights, rule of law and democracy. EHARCO S membership spreads to other parts of Africa, Europe, the united States of America and Canada.

EHARCO Has Three fundamental and inspirable objectives:

       A.To strive for the establishment of the democratic process

B..To promote the rule of law and due process

C.To encourage the respect for human rights and to monitor violations of human rights in Ethiopia

Under this agreement is to organize and conduct basic human rights awareness session for different target groups and also and prepared the time table of training program. This report is prepared to inform the head office about the first basic human rights awareness creation session organized by HRCO  Central Ethiopia Branch office and conducted by invited legal expert

2.Proceedings of the awareness creation session

In order to realized it is obligation  EHARCO Central Branch office organized and conducted a one day basic human rights awareness session EHRCO brnch office memorandum discussions, basic human rights violations report awareness creation sessions , organization of EHRCO Contact persons which have been conducted in Ambo and Zeway (batu) Towns.

    the total number of the basic human rights awreness session attendants were fourty two (42)       participants.amongt this  thirty five(35) are males while the rest fifteen (15) are females. It was conducted on Augst 13 2021  at Ambo preparatory School and Zeway Youth centre Hall.respectively .participants registration and facilitation works were done by Ato Dereje Melaku( Central Ethiopia Regional Office Head), Liya Kebede junior Human Rights investigator. The fundamental objectives of the session was  to raise  the awareness level of target groups about  Human Rights concepts, charactetrstics and its full promotion and participation under international and national human rights instruments. Further more, this session is targeted in recruiting members and human rights activities that will help the branch office to realize its purpose and facilitate the full protection, promotion and implementation of human rights in Ambo and Zeway  towns and also it is surrounding rural areas. Indeed the sessions  were officially opened  by Central Ethiopia Regional office head  Ato Dereje Melaku  The opening speech which was delivered by ato Dereje was expressed as follows:-

Honorable Ditinguish guests, Ladies and gentle men.

At the outset , i would like to forward my gratitude to all invited guests for attending this launching work shop, i would also like to express my pleasure to be here today and have this opportunity to deliver an opening speech.

Distinguish guests , ladies and gentle men,

Over twenty eight (28) years have been lapsed since the establishment of todays  Ethiopian Human Rights Council. As you all know , the Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHARCO) is an independent, non governmental,non profit making non partisian organization established on October 10.1991. It is a membership based organization with and out side of Ethiopia and it is also a unique indigenous organization that monitors ,investigates and reports the human right violations in Ethiopia .

EHARCO S vision is to see people in Ethiopia enjoy a peaceful democratic system , where the people and sovereign, human rights are respected and the rule of law prevails. EHARCO is committed to promoted and defend the rights of people in Ethiopia and stands against inequality,injustice and misuse of power.

its essential and linked objectives  are:

  • Monitoring  and  Promotion respect of human Rights
  •  Promoting the rule of law and due process of law
  • Contribute and strive to the establishment of democratic system

Distinguish gusts ,ladies and gentle men  to sum up with. I wish Central Ethiopia branch office to have a successful day of human rights awareness Education session  and i hope by declare the official launcing of this event.

After the opening speech , Ato Dereje also introduced his colleague Rabel and the  objective, mission and vision and major activities of E HARCO Central Ethiopia Regional office to the participants and also he gave a very imp[portant advise each participant must be very reactive during the discussion time . He also conclude that two way of communication is common during basic human rights education session accordingly the session was began as follows.


       3..In Refliction and secession

the entire session was divided in to two parts 1/  before  and after tea break session   before tea brake session held by Dereje and Liya before tea break  presentation on the meaning evaluation bases of  human rights, Basic characteristics of human right and the classification of human right international customary law,international human rights law and also human rights which are recognized by FDRE Constitution,and also have been discussed about EHRCO Branch office memorandum and also how to strengthen EHRCO Zone Comitte Members thoughrly . the first session (which was conducted before tea break) has finished the devoted topics before the tea break .After  the break the entire session was devoted to asking questions, answering the asked questions  and lastly comments have been given on a few selected ideas included under the teaching manual 


during conducting the awareness  creation session participants raised question and provide answer such questions) during the first session the attendants raised the following question.


 Receiving those and  other similar questions, the session presenters has let the attendants to share ideas for each other ,lastly she her self, the moderator and facilitator tried to gave response unclear concept particularly questions raised relating EHARCO for instance Ato Dereje and all his comrades have  said that  before three years a go due to the financial constraints through they planned and willing to make accessible their offices to the entire population of Ethiopia they could not make it. Despite their constraints , they are using their at most effort to cover the entire territory of Ethiopia through the nearest posts and also todays because of the realization of progressive civil society law we have already opened some other EHARCO branch office and we are reached to open nine branch office ( Hawasa branch in southern Ethiopia,Bahirdar  and Gondar  branch in Northern Ethiopia,Diredawa and jigjiga branch in the Eastern Ethiopia,nekemete and Gambella branch  in south western and western Ethiopia and lastly through Central Ethiopia branch in Adiss Ababa and the nearest towns and rural areas to that of Adiss Abeba that is formerly named as Shewa province) in  both towns that is Ambo and Zeway respectively:- we have also accomplished the following activities

  • A, organization of Ambo and Zeway zone comitte members
  • B. 10 persons have been elected to be  EHRCO Zonal comitte members  both at Ambo and Zeway towns
  • C. organized EHRCO Contact persons at Ambo preparatory school ( Ato seifu Director of Ambo Preparatory School and one civc education teacher and a grade 9 student will be our conduct person
  • D. Discussion toughly regarding EHRCO branch office memorandum so as to understand their membership obligation
  • E. explanation regarding reporting the human rights situation in their respective surrounding areas, about the definitions of Human Rights and also Human Rights violations
  • F.recruiting of new members ( about 31 new members have been recruited from both towns that is 22 new members from Ambo and 9 from Zeway has  been recruited to be a member of EHRCO )
  • G. we have also organized sub comitte members at Ambo towns ( education and training committee members, fund rising sub committee members ,youth sub committee members, human rights and legal sub committee have been organized )

After the answer some unswered or untouched questions were clarified and answered then the presenter had end up the session.

Finally ,the closing speech was delivered by Ato Kibert and Yeshitela at Ambo and Zeway Town respectively. in his speech briefly summarized the given topic  and also forwarded  some other ideas and also he clearly remind about EHARCO  objective as follows  EHARCO  is going to work for the respect of  human rights, promote the rule of law,due process of law and strive for the establishment of democratic   systemsas it has been in our objective  effectively.

To sum up with , i wish  Central Ethiopia Regional office has done a successful day of work shopor discussion time  implementation many thanks for your coming and attend the work shop actively.


Such kind of  human rights awareness training sessions, organization of EHRCO zone members have its own role to realized the objective of EHARCO and also the obligation of state and the role that different legal person particularly their main activity is focused on human rights issue i and physical person play in the promotion and protection of the human rights make over , such kind of session to publicize EHARCO  introduces its activities for those participants who do not gate information’s about  EHARCO   mission and objectives. In addition to this , the work shop was the moment that we might recruited some committed new members and will give and will give chance to grasp some advanced way of  conducting similar session and programs effectively and efficiently . However the session is not with out short comings. the most common ones can be described as follows. Many problems encountered to bought a pen with the allocated budget and also the allocated budget for refreshment was not enough to order from the cafeteria so as to get legalized recipt.. One day session was not enough to get a deep rights knowledge about basic human rights ideas. In order to realized the given topics application of over head projector is very essential but in our case the presenter has been tried to read from her own computer pc. Indeed, if possible we recommend to take such problems in to consideration and analyzed in the next basic human rights  awareness session. Finally but not list  for their immediate response and support we have  to thank for the EHARCO head office programme Department, financial administration and also  EHARCO Director


  With best  regard

  Dereje Melaku

Ethiopian Human Rights Council Central Ethiopia Regional Office Head


Filed in: References