5:37 pm - Tuesday January 22, 1084

Kenya’s prostitution to the west (Mesfin Arega)

Kenya’s prostitution to the west

Mesfin Arega

Kenya is now infamous for being the only sub-Sharan country in the gang of 40 “galvanized against Russia’s invasion”.  It does so knowing full well that the war in Ukraine is not between Ukraine and Russia but between Russia and the west, and that west is waging this war to subjugate the non-western world by humiliating, if not defeating, the principal power opposing that subjugation, Russia, and then making it an unforgettable example for other wannabe challengers of the west, principally China.  

More importantly, Kenya stood fully behind the unprecedented ganging up of the west against Russia knowing that if the west defeats Russia, it will most likely defeat China and then, having no serious challenger to its domination, it will immediately march straight to Africa to realize its long-sought neocolonial dream, as clearly stated by one of the loudest saber rattlers of the war in Ukraine, the current prime minister of UK, Boris Johnson.  

 The best fate for Africa would be if the old colonial powers, or their citizens, scrambled once again in her direction; on the understanding that this time they will not be asked to feel guilty.  The continent may be a blot, but it is not a blot upon our conscience … The problem is not that we were once in charge, but that we are not in charge anymore.” (Boris Johnson).  

Moreover, Kenya sided with the west knowing that, if the west were to dominate the world without any serious challenger, it will readily throw off its veil of freedom, democracy, and human right to completely reveal its true racist self by reviving Gobineau’s theory of master race, as paraphrased by another racist English prime minister, Mr. Winston Churchill. 

I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly-wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place. The Aryan stock is bound to triumph.”  (Winston Churchill). 

Boris Johnson implied the same when he wrote that Africa’s “problem is not that we were once in charge, but that we are not in charge anymore”, meaning, “Africans are subhuman and, therefore, must be ruled by the Aryan master race”.  In short, according to English neocolonialists, Africa is a “hopeless continent” and, therefore, is forever “the Whiteman’s burden”.   

Why would a colonized African country gang up with English neocolonialists who are proud of their barbaric colonial history and are itching to repeat it, against Russia who fought colonialists all over Africa alongside Africa?  Why did Kenya’s UN ambassador, Mr. Martin Kimani, purposely and dishonestly confuse Mr. Putin’s quest for security with the openly stated neocolonialist aspirations of English politicians and statesmen?  

Was it because Kenya’s present leadership is happy that Kenya’s borders were drawn by its English colonial masters who, for example, made sure that their colony incorporated almost the whole of lake Turkana, even though the lake is fed almost exclusively by the Omo river of Ethiopia, who, because of its scintillating anticolonial history, is permanently sabotaged by the west to be in a state of permanent civil war?   

Was it because Kenya, whose economy is more or less fully controlled by westerners and their Indian surrogates, is allowed by the west to enjoy relative peace so that its relatively ok situation can be easily contrasted with the warring and impoverished non-colonized Ethiopia so as to give neocolonialists a reason to argue “colonization was good for Africa and so will recolonization”?  

What would make the dear friend of Ethiopia, the great Jomo Kenyatta, turn in his grave more than an English neocolonialist like Mr. Johnson contrasting Kenya with Ethiopia to justify colonization and openly push for recolonization by saying Africa’s “problem is not that we were once in charge, but that we are not in charge anymore”.  

What has the present leadership of Kenya been promised by the west for its despicable prostitution to the west?  Is the promise worth the shame and humiliation by blacks all over the world?  What if the promise turned out to be a false promise, considering the proven track record of the west on false promises made to the natives of Africa, America, and Australia?  After all, was it not Jomo Kenyatta who famously said, “the Europeans gave us bibles only so that when we close our eyes to pray, they could take our land”, thereby advising Africans never ever to trust the West, above all the English?    


Email: Mesfin. arega@gmail.com

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