5:37 pm - Tuesday January 21, 9349

The Forgotten Suffering: Global North's Double Standards and the Plight of the Amhara People

The Forgotten Suffering: Global North’s Double Standards and the Plight of the Amhara People

Theodros Arega

In the shadows of international diplomacy, a disturbing trend emerges – the selective blindness to the suffering of the Amhara people in Ethiopia. While Getachew Reda, the architect of devastating invasions, enjoys VIP treatment in Denver, over 10,000 peaceful Amhara individuals are unjustly imprisoned for exercising their constitutional rights. As the world applauds dubious peace deals and strategic interests, it’s time to expose the hypocrisy and give a voice to the prisoners of consciousness.

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The Forgotten Suffering Global North’s Double Standards and the Plight of the Amhara People

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