2019 እኤአጀምሮ የኮነሬልአብይየኦህዴድብልፅግናአገዛዝዘመንከፍተኛየቤትማፍረስዘመቻበ‹‹ህገወጥንብረትስም››በአዲስአበባከተማናበኦሮሚያክልላዊመንግስትበሰበታ፣ቡራዩ፣ለገጣፎ፣ለገዳዲ፣ሱሉልታ፣ኢልሞጆና፣ገላንከተሞችንዎሪዎችየነበሩአስራሁለትሽህአባወራዎችቤትፈረሰ፡፡እስክንድርናባልደራስድርጅትብቻነበሩበግንባርቀደምትነትየቤትፈረሳውንየተቃወሙት፡፡Since early 2019, the Ethiopian government under Abiy Ahmedadministration begun large-scale house demolition that deemed “illegal property” in Addis Ababa and the Oromia Region in the area of Sebeta, Buraryu, Legetafo, Legedadi, Sululta, Ermojo, and Galan towns, with 12,000 houses destroyed by the government, which led to further unrest in the country…………………..(1)
በፌብሪዎሪ 19 ቀን 2019እኤአማለዳጠዋትየለገጣፎከተማንቡልዶዘሮችወረሮትየሦስትሽህአባወራዎችንቤቶችዶጋአመድአደረጉት፡፡ሦስትሽህቤትአልባዜጎች፣ከነመተዳደሪያንግድቤታቸውተዘጉ፡፡የለገዳዲናለገጣፎከተሞችከንቲባሐቢባሲራጂየቤቶቹመፍረስበ2017 እኤአማስተርፕላንመሰረትየከተማስትራቴጂመሆኑንበመደገፍጋዜጣዊመግለጫሰጠጭ፡፡On 19 February 2019, bulldozers were raid into Legetafo area and demolished 3,000 homes, leading to thousands homelessness and ruin business activities.[7] Mayor of Legetafo Legedadi Habiba Sirajs supported the demolition as a necessary steps corresponding to the 2017 master plan, which was part of urban strategies.
ዩናይትድአረብኢምሬትስ(United Arab Emirates)፡– የአቡ ዳቢ ኩባንያ፣ ኤግል ሒልስ (Eagle Hills launches project – La Gare in Ethiopia) በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ለገሃር ሠፈር ኤግል ሒልስ ፕሮጀክት 360,000 sq metres(ሦስት መቶ ስልሳ ሽህ) ካሬ ሜትር ባለ ይዛታ ሲሆን የቦታው የስፋቱ ትልቅነት ሃምሳ የአዲስ አበባ ስታዲየምን ያክላል፡፡ ኤግልስ ሒልስ ኩባንያ በተሰጠው ቦታ ላይ ባለ አራትና አምስት ኮኮብ ሆቴሎች ለመገንባት፣ የመዝናኛ ሥፍራዎች ለመስራት፣ አራት ሽህ ቤቶች ለመስራት እቅድ ነድፎ ነበር፡፡ ኤግልስ ሒልስ የኢንቨስትመንት ፕሮጀክት ወጪ ሁለት ቢሊዮን ዶላር ሲሆን የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት 27% (ሃያ ሰባት) በመቶ ድርሻ አለው ተብሎል ነበር፡፡ ኤግልስ ሒልስ ኩባንያ ስልሳ ስምንት ሚሊዮን ዶላር ተጨማሪ በጀት በመመደብ ለአንድ ሽህ ስድስት መቶ አባወራዎች የመኖሪያ ቤቶች እንደሚሰራና ምንም ዓይነት መፈናቀል እንደማይኖር ለንዋሪዎቹ ቃል ገብቶ ነበር፡፡ ኤግልስ ሒልስ ኩባንያ የለገሃር ፕሮጀክት ለሃያ አምስት ሽህ ሰዎች የሥራ እድል እንደሚፈጥርና በሰባት አመት ፕሮጀክቱ ተሠርቶ እንደሚያልቅ ተገልጾ ነበር፡፡ ወፍም የለ!!! ወሬ ነው ኮነሬል አብይ አገር የሸጠ ባንዳ መውደቂያው ደርሶል፡፡ “Abu Dhabi firm, Eagle Hills has launched a massive integrated community development project, La Gare in Ethiopia. La Gare will cover 360,000 sq metresof the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa and would include multi-star hotels, leisure outlets, commercial units, and 4000 homes. The estimated value of La Gare is $2 billion and the Ethiopian government is reported to hold a 27% share in the project. According to the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, Eagle Hills has set aside an additional budget of $68 million for 1600 households that would be uprooted during the development process……..Reportedly, apart from creating a new city center, La Gare would also lead to an increase of approximately 25,000 jobs. The project is said to finish its first phase of development, mainly the construction of malls, in three years. The overall estimated time for project completion is reported to be seven years.”………………………………….(2)