{I} የኢትዮጵያ ዓየር መንገድ Ethiopian Airlines፡- የኢትዮጵያ ዓየር መንገድ እቅድ መሰረት ከአዲስ አበባ 39 ኪሎ ሜትር እርቀት በምትገኘው ብሸፍቱ ከተማ ላይ በ35 ስኩየር ኪሎሜትር ቦታ ላይ የአይሮፕላን ማረፍያ በ5000000000 (አምስት ቢሊዮን ዶላር) እንደሚያስገነባ ተገልፆል፡፡ ‹‹Ethiopian Airlines has announced that it will start constructing a new $5 billion airport later this year, its as the rapidly-expanding carrier outgrows capacity at its current base in Addis Ababa. The airport, which will cover an area of 35 square km, will be built in Bishoftu, a town 39 km south east of the capital, and have the capacity to handle 100 million passengers a year.››
{II}ገዳልዩየኢኮኖሚዞን Geda Special Economic Zone (GSEZ)፡– በኦሮሚያክልልበሞጆናበአዳማከተሞችመካከልየተቋቋመውገዳልዩየኢኮኖሚዞንበ24 ሺሕሔክታርመሬትላይበአራትምዕራፎችእንደሚለማ፣በመጀመሪያውምዕራፍ 3,114 ሔክታርየሚሆንመሬትላይልማትለመጀመርአስፈላጊውንቅድመዝግጅትእያጠናቀቀመሆኑንየዞኑዋናዳይሬክተርአቶሞቱማተመስገንገልጸዋል፡፡ ‹‹The Geda economic zone lies on 23,656hct of undeveloped land, of which close to 300hct is sourced from the local farmers with a 3.4 million Br compensation fee for a hectare. The 3,114hct is set to be developed in the next five years while 8,000hct is under construction.››
ገዳልዩየኢኮኖሚዞንየአርባዓመትፕሮጀክትሲሆንአሁን ሦስትመቶሠራተኞችሲኖሩትወደፊትለሰባሚሊዮንሠራተኞችየሥራዕድልእንደሚፈጥርሥራአስኪያጁገልፀዋል፡፡“It’s a project for the coming 40 years,” said Motuma. The GSEZ will have a free market zone, logistics centre, housing, and industrial flocks, mainly focusing on exporting quality product-producing local and international companies. Over 300 people are currently working in the economic zone, with the prospect of employing 70 million people when it is fully operational, according to the CEO.” ጉድ እኮ ነው የማህይም ነገር የገዳልዩየኢኮኖሚዞንየአርባዓመትፕሮጀክትሲሆንወደፊትለሰባሚሊዮንሠራተኞችየሥራዕድል ይከፈታል ይሉናል፡፡ ሽመልስ አብዲሳም በሸገር ከተማ ሠላሳ ሚሊዮን የከተማ ንዋሪዎች ይኖራታል ብሎል፡፡
ገዳ ልዩ የኢኮኖሚ ዞን፡- የአዲስ አበባን የመሬት ስፋት ግማሽ የሚያክል ሲሆን የአዳማ ከተማን ስድስት እጥፍ የመሬት ስፋት ያለው ሲሆን ለግንባታ 46,000,000,000 (አርባ ስድስት) ቢሊዮን ብር በጀት የተያዘለት ትልቅ ፕሮጀክት ዋና አላማው ሞጆን ከተማን፣ አዳማንና ሻሸመኔ ከተማዎቹን የሚያገናኝ ፕሮጀክት ነው፡፡‹‹ Special Economic Zone that is half the size of Addis Abeba and six folds Adama town is under construction with over 46 billion Br budget. Oromia Regional State commenced Geda Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) located 65Km east of the capital with the aims of connecting it with Mojo, Adama, and Shashemane towns.››