Author’s Note: In this commentary, I take a careful look at the “very
The “Explanatory Note” aims to whitewash the T-TPLF’s decades-old record of massive human rights violations, gloss over recent massacres as “disturbances”, sugarcoat martial law as a benign “state of emergency” and depict it as “stability” and “peaceful condition”. The “Note” ultimately aims to confuse, mislead, misinform and misdirect.
“We’ve got a very sophisticated report from the Embassy [of Ethiopia] which I suspect is prepared in whole or in part by their lobby organization which was set up and funded January 1st SGR LLC; and if the filings we’ve seen are correct, we’re talking about a $1.8 million per year cost for the lobby. We all need to look at that submission [by SGR LLC] carefully, but the lobby firms are very adroit at putting together that obscure, very often, the heinous human rights abuses we are trying to highlight.” Chairman Chris Smith, “
TPLF: Is the “LF” for liberation front or lie factory?
John Milton wrote in Paradise Lost: “For no falsehood can endure/ Touch of celestial temper, but returns/ To its own likeness; -up it starts/ Discovered and surprised.”
Of course, Milton was writing about Satan’s games of deception, and his “devilish art” of “forging illusions” and the Prince of Darkness’ “explosion at the touch of truth”.
I am writing here about the Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (T-TPLF) in kindred spirit and its ghastly aversion to truth and infernal life of complete mendacity on Planet Denial-istan Ethiopia. A touch of the peoples’ temper, not only celestial temper, against a touch of evil is yet to come.
I have studied the T-TPLF in one form or another for over a decade. It is a study I began in earnest with intellectual curiosity and fascination. That effort has now become a decade-long “investigation” into T-TPLF crimes against humanity, massacres, corruption, genocide, abuse of power, election rigging and the rest of it in Ethiopia. It has also been a relentless campaign, indeed an endless weekly crusade, to expose T-TPLF lies, damned lies statislies (statistical lies), disinformation and the ever-changing games of deception on a global scale.
I have written numerous commentaries on the T-TPLF’s lies, damned lies and statislies. Among such
In my August 2007 commentary, I offered the T-TPLF a
In May 2012, I wrote about the entertaining “
In November 2012, I
In November 2015, I
In March 2015, in my
The T-TPLF “Explanatory Note” of Lies: Defending the indefensible
“Oh! what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”
On March 9, 2017, the T-TPLF tried, and embarrassingly failed, to scam the “Democracy Under Threat in Ethiopia” hearing of the Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives.
George Orwell in his
In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible. Political language…is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind…
The T-TPLF’s “
The “Note” could best be characterized as a cross between a fairy tale, horror fiction and political fantasy. A more blunt person would describe the T-TPLF “Note” as a crock of _ _ _ t! It is a poorly drafted and pathetically amateurish “Note” which aims to confuse, misinform and misdirect.
The “Note” is presumably a critique of
T-TPLF Fiction: H.R. 128 falsely claims “democratic space in Ethiopia has steadily diminished since the general elections of 2005” and that the ruling party “claimed 100 percent of the parliamentary seats” in the 2015 elections. “The claim that the democratic space has diminished in Ethiopia since 2005 is a claim often repeated without any basis of proof whatsoever.”
Fact: In May 2016, Human Watch Rights
In July 2015, Barack Obama visited Ethiopia and held “frank discussions” with T-TPLF leaders and
In January 2016, the European Parliament passed a
T-TPLF fiction: After reviewing the Ethiopian political landscape and the pre-election process in 2015, the African Union observers concluded that the elections had been free, peaceful, and credible and had provided an opportunity for the Ethiopian People to express their choices at the poll.
Fact: The so-called African Union election observer report is not only a whitewash, but also does not meet the requirements of the African Union
According to the Pohamba Observers’
The U.S. refused to participate in the 2015 election observation as did the European Observer Mission.
T-TPLF fiction: Political reform has begun with the reshuffling of the cabinet.
Fact: On November 1, 2017, the T-TPLF reshuffled its cabinet of 30
The 21 “new” ministers that were appointed have been vetted for their loyalty and service to the T-TPLF. They have been waiting in the wings like buzzards over carrion. These “ministers” were not chosen for their fierce independence and courage to challenge the T-TPLF bosses. They were chosen because they were loyal T-TPLF lapdogs. The T-TPLF believes by throwing in a few Oromo and Amhara names in the cabinet reshuffle they can hoodwink Oromos and Amharas. It’s the age old game of tokenism. A token Oromo here and token Amhara will not make the T-TPLF democratic.
All the reshuffling was just a show. Who wields the real power behind these ministers? Who calls the shots? Who makes the real decisions in the shadows, in the dark, behind the ministerial thrones? The T-TPLF bosses, of course!
T-TPLF Fiction: The EHRC [Ethiopian Human Rights Commission] has started an independent and thorough investigation into deaths and injuries caused during the protests.
Fact: Claims of an independent and thorough investigation by the T-TPLF through its front organization EHRC are bogus. EHRC is a front organization of the T-TPLF with zero credibility. It is a T-TPLF tool set up to create the illusion of human rights monitoring and enforcement. It is an organization set up to game and play the donors and loans who are willfully ignorant of T-TPLF crimes.
In 2009, the “Ethiopian Human Rights Commission”
In 2007, after an
The T-TPLF has failed and refused to prosecute the
In fact, there is
An inquiry committee into the earlier phases of the protests in Oromia and Amhara regions organized by the EHRC early last year
Ethiopia has
The T-TPLF has used it kangaroo courts to incapacitate and destroy genuine human rights organizations in the country by incapacitating them financially.
In 2012, a the T-TPLF
In 2010, the T-TPLF
T-TPLF fiction: The ruling [T-TPLF] party has embarked on a dialogue and negotiation with 22 opposition parties.
Fact: A couple of days ago, the T-TPLF
Ethiopia under T-TPLF rule is and has been for over 25 years a one man, one party state whose guiding motto is, “What is good for the T-TPLF is good for Ethiopia!”
The T-TPLF has violently suppressed or neutralized all opposition parties and parties through a sophisticated campaign and system of intimidation and persecution.
“Dialogue and negotiation” is the white rabbit the T-TPLF pulls out of its hat every time it is under pressure. Most of the so-called 22 political parties are T-TPLF shell parties with a handful of members that are created and funded by the T-TPLF.
Merara Gudina, leader fo the Oromo Federalist Congress remains in jail today for discussing political issues at a European Union forum.
Following the 2005 elections and a popular uprising against the T-TPLF for stealing that election, the European Union election group observer
The current “dialogue and negotiation” will amount to nothing. No one is fooled by the old T-TPLF games of deception by dialogue and negotiation.
T-TPLF Fiction: The second National Human Rights Action Plan has been adopted by the House of People’s Representatives.
Fact: The T-TPLF’s “second National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP II)” was presented to the “parliament” in early November, 2016. In early October 2016, the T-TPLF declared a state of emergency and suspended the constitution and began a campaign of mass detentions. By mid-November 2016, the T-TPLF
What a cruel joke on human rights!
What happened to the first National Human Rights Action Plan adopted in 2013?
Berhnau Hailu, the former minister of Justice said it failed
How is NHRAP II different from NHRAP I? It is not different. It is old wine in new bottle. It is window dressing human rights. NHRAP II will have the same fate as NHRAP I.
T-TPLF Fiction: Measures were taken on the Government officials who were engaged in corrupt practices, some were removed from office and the legal process is underway.
Fact: The T-TPLF’s campaign against corruption is a joke. It is a three-ring corruption investigation set up for the benefit and at the command of USAID, The World Bank, the IMF and the other donors and loaners. The international poverty pimps demand an anti-corruption campaign to give them plausible deniability. They can turn a blind eye to massive corruption by palming off the responsibility to the T-TPLF’s corruption investigators. Does it make sense to expect corrupt T-TPLF officials to investigate and prosecute corrupt T-TPLF officials? Corruption charges are the preferred methods of incapacitating political contenders and enemies with the T-TPLF.
On paper, the T-TPLF has “laws” to detect, prevent, prosecute and punish corruption. The “Federal Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission Establishment Proclamations No. 235/2001 and No. A33/2005” and provisions in the Criminal Code impose serious sanctions on a whole range of corrupt and racketeering practices. But these “laws” are not worth the paper they are written on. They are selectively enforced and used by T-TPLF leaders often to neutralize political opponents. The late leader of the T-TPLF effectively used the “anti-corruption laws” to jail rivals in his party including a former prime minster (Tamrat Layne) and a defense minister (Seeye Abraha) and other disfavored civil servants. T-TPLF corruption arrests are a manifestation of the internecine struggle taking place within the T-TPLF and less of a demonstration of a sincere and determined effort to stamp out corruption.
In March 2013, the T-TPLF arrested and charged some two dozen officials and of the “Ethiopian Revenues & Customs Authority” (ERCA) and other businessmen. Many of the officials were released quietly while some of the businessmen who were ordered released by a court have remained in detention for over a year. If those accused of corruption in the Customs Authority sweep are guilty of corruption, then their accusers are equally or more guilty.
The World Bank’s voluminous 417-page report aptly titled, “
In the past week, T-TPLF regime leader Hailemariam Desalegn
Over the years, I have issued numerous well-documented
T-TPLF Fiction: The peaceful protests in Oromia and Amhara regions were hijacked by violent elements last year. Militant opposition groups operating from a foreign countries including the United States have been trying to foment unrest and incite violence to advance their political agenda to dismantle the constitutional system.
Fact: Blaming the victims and diverting attention from the real issues is a specialty of the T-TPLF. In a speech after T-TPLF troops massacred hundreds of celebrants at the Irrecha Festival in October 2016, Hailemariam Desalegn gave a
In December 2011, the T-TPLF mounted a
In December 2013, the T-TPLF aired a televised program “
The T-TPLF has
The whole aim of externalizing the source of guidance and direction of the popular uprising is simply to discredit the massive local opposition and resistance to the T-TPLF rule and re-write the true story of valor and courage by the Ethiopian people with systematic lies and deception. The T-TPLF specifically aims to discredit and disparage the role of young people in the resistance to its rule. Of course, the T-TPLF’s all-consuming existential concern is discrediting what they believe to be an “Amhara-Oromo alliance” against them.
T-TPLF Fiction: The Government has allocated over 500 Million USD to provide opportunities to the youth to engage in productive activities.
The T-TPLF talks big, talks the talk and walks straight to the bank with the cash.
Fact: If the “government” has “over 500 million USD” to spare, why is it begging the international community for 948 million dollars in famine aid?
In January 2017, the T-TPLF Disaster Commissioner Mitiku Kassa
Which one is more important: Saving five million Ethiopian youth from death by famine or creating make-believe jobs for youth to buy their silence and loyalty?
T-TPLF Fiction: The reference in the preamble [to H.R. 128] regarding the weakness of Courts in Ethiopia, the prison conditions, the Zone 9 bloggers, the villagization and the CSO law are irrelevant and outdated.
Fact: Human Rights Watch
In my January 2015
Freedom House
Col. Michael Dewars’
On March 22, 2017,
The T-TPLF lobby and PR strategy
The T-TPLF strategy is to put out lies which they believe cannot be fact-checked and challenged. They know there are very few Ethiopians who will take the challenge of fact checking them. They do not believe U.S. House staffers will spend the time to challenge them on the specific facts. So they spread their lies, damned lies and statislies like horse manure. Their lies are calculated to achieve not only misinformation but also misdirection. They avoid the devils in the details (no pun intended) and want to paint a blurry and opaque picture to deceive and misdirect. They aim to focus on motivations rather than actions. They want to talk about how well-intentioned they are, not how criminal their conduct is. Simply stated, the T-TPLF leaders are demonic liars. They are the kind of vicious villains who lie as they murder and murder as they lie, to paraphrase a line from the Bard of Avon.
In Paradise Regained, Milton wrote:
… But rob and spoil, burn, slaughter, and enslave
Peaceable Nations, neighbouring, or remote,
Made Captive, yet deserving freedom more
Then those thir Conquerours, who leave behind
Nothing but ruin wheresoe’re they rove…
Nothing but ruin wheresoe’re the T-TPLF roves.
To be continued…