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Is violent change inevitable in Ethiopia? [Graham Peebles-mwcnews]

By Graham Peebles As the Ethiopian government intensifies its violent suppression of the populace in the lead up to the illusion of national elections in May, there are many within the country and the diaspora who believe a popular armed uprising...

Ethiopia denies Temesghen Desalegn access to medical care in jail [CPJ]

Nairobi, March 16, 2015—Authorities in Ethiopia have denied medical attention to Ethiopian journalist Temesghen Desalegn, who has been imprisoned since October, according to sources close to the journalist. Temesghen Desalegn, owner of...

Engineer Yilikal Getnet speech at the 2015 election debate [Video]

Ethiopia suspected of spying on independent TV network ESAT [CPJ]

New York, March 10, 2015–The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by research that indicates the Ethiopian government used spyware to monitor journalists at U.S.-based Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT) in what appears to be...

Ten websites demand Tedros Adhnom to retract fabrication

– Editors voted to label him “top Pinocchio” for blatant lies Press Release Washington DC– Editors of ten leading Ethiopian websites have joined forces to demanded Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom to retract his outlandish, outrageous...

Ethiopia's Blue Party Tries To Reacquaint Nation With Dissent [npr]

BY GREGORY WARNER Feven Tashome is a study in blue. The 21-year-old’s toenails are painted a rich cobalt, her scarf is baby blue and her leather handbag is ultramarine. To ordinary passersby in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, it’s...

Spyware vendor may have helped Ethiopia target journalists – even after it was aware of abuses, [washingtonpost]

By Andrea Peterson The Ethiopian government appears again to be using Internet spying tools to attempt to eavesdrop on journalists based in suburban Washington, said security researchers who call such high-tech intrusions a serious threat...

Jaw bone fossil discovered in Ethiopia is oldest known human lineage remains [The Guardian]

Around 400,000 years older than previous discovery of homo lineage, 2.8m-year-old jaw and five teeth was found on rocky slope in Afar region A lower jaw bone and five teeth discovered on a hillside in Ethiopia are the oldest remains ever found...