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Family’s agony over Upper Holloway dad’s death sentence [Islingtongazette]

 Jon Dean Community rallies round man trapped in Ethiopia  The family of a man trapped in Ehtiopia facing a possible death setnce are desperately trying to get him home as his 60th birthday appraoches. Andargachew ‘Andy’ Tsege, from Upper...

U.S Policy: Newly released documentary about the ethnic apartheid regime of the TPLF/EPRDF [Video]

Ethiopia Bloggers to Enter Pleas in Terrorism Case Next Week [Bloomberg]

By William Davison Ethiopian bloggers accused of plotting acts of terrorism will probably enter pleas next week after a court accepted amended charges from the prosecution. The Federal High Court accepted most of the charges against 10 bloggers...

Ethiopia: Crackdown on Dissent Intensifies [HRW]

Human Rights Situation Dire Ahead of May 2015 Elections (Nairobi) – The Ethiopian government during 2014 intensified its campaign of arrests, prosecutions, and unlawful force to silence criticism, Human Rights Watch said today in its World...

UK diplomats clash over Andargachew Tsige[dailymail]

By Ian Birrell An explosive row has erupted between diplomats and Ministers over their reluctance to help a British man on death row in Ethiopia. A series of extraordinary emails, obtained by The Mail on Sunday, reveal officials’ increasing...

Leaked Report Says World Bank Violated its Own Rules in Ethiopia [Global Research]

By Sasha Chavkin Anuak children in Gorom Refugee Camp in South Sudan. Many Anuak fled Ethiopia during a government relocation campaign called “villagization”. Photo: Andreea Campeanu/ICIJ The World Bank repeatedly violated its own rules...

Ethiopia: Media Being Decimated [HRW]

Legal, Policy Reforms Crucial Prior to May Elections (Nairobi) – The Ethiopian government’s systematic repression of independent media has created a bleak landscape for free expression ahead of the May 2015 general elections, Human Rights...

Ethiopia: human rights groups criticise UK-funded development programme [The Guardian]

Harry Davies and James Ball Leaked World Bank report rejects claims from the Bank’s management that no link existed between their programme and villagisation A traditional homestead in Gambela, Ethiopia. The country’s government...