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I’m longing for you, comrades [Zelalem Kibret]

O! The mighty reminiscence! Of all the thoughts nothing is more haunting than reminiscence. When I read, walk; sleep — in all of my daily routines I recall yesterday. Yesterday as if it is painted by one of the renaissance realist painters....

Ethiopian Opposition Activists Bailed After Poll-Protest Arrests [Bloomberg]

By William Davison Ethiopian authorities released on bail about 80 activists, including the head of an opposition group, arrested while protesting for fair campaigning in 2015 elections, a Blue Party spokesman said. Security forces made arrests...


On 5 and 6 December, security services in Addis Ababa arrested an estimated 90 people during attempts to stage a demonstration by a coalition of nine opposition political parties. The arrests are the latest manifestation of the authorities’...

Seventy Ethiopian migrants drown off Red Sea coast of Yemen [REUTERS]

REUTERS SANAA, Dec 7  – At least 70 Ethiopians drowned when a boat used by smugglers to transport illegal migrants to Yemen sank in the Red Sea in rough weather, security authorities in the western part of the country said on Sunday. Human...

Ethiopia Extends Court Proceedings against ‘Zone Nine’ Bloggers, Journalists [Freedom House]

Washington December 4, 2014 Following another court hearing in Addis Abba, Ethiopia, on charges against the Zone Nine bloggers and journalists, and recess of the case until December 16, Freedom House issued the following...

The Zone9 Defense: Limits of International Law [By Ivan Sigal]

The international human rights system is broken – or perhaps it never worked at all. In case after case, citizens’ human rights are violated under the national laws of their respective countries, despite the existence of international human...


The book entitled ”The Uniting identity as citizens of one country: The fate of Ethiopia`’ was launched and signed in a colorful event held in Oslo on the 22nd of November, 2014. The author of the book is ato Yussuf Yassin, the...

Is H&M Turning a Blind Eye to Land Grabs in Ethiopia?[A TV4 Investigation-Video]