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With new prime minister, Ethiopia takes a step back from the precipice [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam -THE HILL]

The old saw is “a stitch in time saves nine”. On April 2, Ethiopia installedAbiy Ahmed as its new prime minister. The question is whether PM Abiy could save Ethiopia’s nine regions from being unstitched in civil strife. Some watchers...

Ethiopia Backslides: the Continuing Harassment of Eskinder Nega (EFF)

BY DANNY O’BRIEN On March 25, bloggers, journalists and activists gathered at a private party in Addis Ababa—the capital of Ethiopia—to celebrate the new freedom of their colleagues. Imprisoned Ethiopian writers and reporters had...

Appeal to Ethiopian activists (Mustafa Omer)

The following is a partial list of people illegaly detained by Abdi Iley for years (one of them, Guleed Asoowe, completed 8 years in Ziway but was kidnapped from Addis Ababa after he was released and is now in Jail Ogaden – the main prison...

Ethiopia releases 11 journalists, politicians once again (Washington Post)

By Elias Meseret | AP ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Eleven journalists, politicians and bloggers in Ethiopia who were detained last month for allegedly displaying an outlawed flag and gathering in violation of a state of emergency have been released,...

Ato Lemma Megersa on Dr. Abiy Ahmed (Video)

Ethiopia dissidents hopeful but wary over new PM (AFP)

Addis Ababa (AFP) – They’ve been harassed, arrested and prosecuted, but Ethiopia’s dissidents say they feel quietly hopeful after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed extended an olive branch to them in his inaugural speech. Referring...

Ethiopia's new PM, in key speech, reaches out to opposition and Eritrea (AFP)

by Chris Stein Addis Ababa (AFP) – Ethiopia’s new prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, apologised to people harmed in recent political unrest and reached out both to the political opposition and longtime rival Eritrea at his swearing-in...

Ethiopia new Prime minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed full speech