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Ethiopia: “I am worried Ethiopia will explode:” Ana Gomes (By Engidu Woldie)

ESAT A member of the European Parliament who is a fervent critic of the TPLF said current political developments in Ethiopia could lead to conflict with tremendous consequences to the Horn of Africa. Speaking to ESAT on the phone, the Portuguese...

Party: Detained Ethiopian Opposition Chief Bailed 2 Years After Protests (VOA)

ADDIS ABABA —An Ethiopian opposition leader was due to be released on bail almost two years after he was detained during mass protests over land rights, a member of his party said on Monday.Bekele Gerba, secretary general of the Oromo...

Kenya: Police Disperse Election Protesters in Nairobi a Day After Intense Violence

AllAfrica Kenyan police used tear gas Saturday to disperse election protesters in the impoverished Nairobi district of Kawangware, one day after a fire burned hundreds of businesses, and after men armed with machetes and sticks looted stores...

World Health Organization Board: I told you Tedros Adhanom is an Empty Suit…! [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Last week, Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of the World Health Organization, nominated Robert Mugabe, the 93 year-old president of Zimbabwe as that organization’s Goodwill Ambassador for Noncommunciable Diseases, a position currently held...

Is Ethiopia’s Digital War Worth it?(By Ayo Awokoya)

Raddington Report (blog) The Ethiopian Government is known for its attempts to quash internet freedom amidst the country’s ethnic tensions – but are they fighting a losing battle? With the most recent ethnic clashes in the Somali...

Haley: Africa's Violence Could Become US Security Threats (VOA)

ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA — U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley warned that Africa’s violence and humanitarian disasters could spread into larger security threats to the United States. In order to stem the growing conflicts,...

WHO cancels Robert Mugabe goodwill ambassador role (BBC)

The World Health Organization has revoked the appointment of Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador following a widespread outcry. “I have listened carefully to all who have expressed their concerns,” WHO head Tedros...

Robert Mugabe is appointed a WHO goodwill ambassador, stunning critics

By Helen Branswell The new head of the World Health Organization has named Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe a goodwill ambassador for the agency, a move that has startled public health experts.   The WHO director-general, Tedros Adhanom...