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Unity v diversity: Ethiopia’s ethnic federalism is being tested (The Economist)

Violence between ethnic groups has put the country on edge FOR centuries the city of Harar, on the eastern fringes of the Ethiopian highlands, was a sanctuary, its people protected by a great wall that surrounded the entire city. But in the...

Boris Johnson urged to intervene to save Briton on death row in Ethiopia [theguardian]

Heads of Law Society and Bar Council ask foreign secretary to seek release of Andargachew Tsege, who was kidnapped in 2014 Owen Bowcott Legal affairs correspondent Boris Johnson has been urged by the heads of both branches of the legal profession...

How US Surveillance Helps Repressive Regimes—the Ethiopia Case

By Felix Horne Recent stories from Edward Snowden’s disclosures show how the US government’s involvement with Ethiopia presents a case study in enabling repressive regimes to carry out surveillance on their own citizens. In the case of...

UN Declares Detention of Opposition Politician Andualem Aragie Arbitrary; Calls for Release

Freedom now Washington D.C.: In response to a petition filed by Freedom Now, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issued an opinion finding the detention of opposition politician Andualem Aragie by the Government of Ethiopia...

Ethiopia signs $1.3 bln loan and grant agreement with World Bank (REUTERS)

The World Bank on Friday signed a $1.3 billion loan and grant agreement with Ethiopia to improve governance and fund an anti-poverty package that provides financial relief for people facing food shortages. The bank said a loan of $700 million...

ESAT Special Program on H. Res. 128


Ethiopia is a major U.S. ally in Africa. The government in Addis Ababa has long cooperated with Washington on security and counterterrorism while benefiting generously from U.S. aid. In 2016, the U.S. pledged $809 million to Ethiopia,...

Ethiopia is grappling with heightened risk of state collapse, it is time for orderly transition [Addisstandard Editorial]

Addis Abeba, September 27/2017 – Ethiopia is fast descending into turmoil as the result of incessant state-sanctioned violence and repression. Popular demands that precipitated a three year-long protest, which started in Oromia in 2014 and...