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Taxation With Repression and the Raging Quiet Riot in Ethiopia [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

James Otis, an early instigator of the American revolution, captured the rebellious sentiments and resentments of the colonists when he proclaimed, “Taxation without representation is tyranny.” In 1765, Otis organized an intercolonial conference...

Ethiopia: Meeting deadly disease head-on (Report)

From UNOPS Ethiopia is one of the countries hardest hit by the strongest El Niño event in history. The natural hazards that followed have left more than 5 million people in need of life-saving emergency assistance. Amidst the worst drought...

Elephant Kills Spanish Tourist in Ethiopia

ibtimes July 24, 2017 – A Spanish tourist, who was visiting Ethiopia’s Chebera-Churchura Nature Park, died after being trampled and gored by an elephant in Chebera-Churchura Nature Park, located in Southern part of Ethiopia. Ethiopian...

Ethiopia anti-tax protests spread (CNBC Africa)

by CNBC Africa Jared Jeffrey, NKC African Economics – According to ESAT, protests by small business owners, which began last week in Addis Ababa and parts of Oromia, have spread to towns in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’...

EU commend Ethiopia’s initiative to make political reforms (Sudantribune)

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle July 20, 2017 (ADDIS ABABA) – The European Union (EU) on Thursday commended the ruling party, Ethiopia peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) for opening space for dialogue with opposition parties. Currently,...

Arrested Eritrean Patriarch Makes First Appearence in Decade at Sunday Mass (REUTERS)

(PHOTO: REUTERS/RONEN ZVULU)Eritrean Orthodox Christian pilgrims chant during a ceremony at the baptismal site known as Qasr el-Yahud on the banks of the Jordan River near the West Bank city of Jericho January 19, 2012. For the first time since...

Why is the UK government refusing to call for his release?

Andy Tsege: the British citizen on Ethiopia’s death row by John Keenan The prime minister had a lot on her mind in the early hours of 9th June. She had held her own seat in Maidenhead, but across the nation the results in the snap general...

Dr. Merara Lawsuit against Ethiopia [gofundme]

Dr. Merara Gudina is taking legal action against the Ethiopian regime at the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights! Represented by the Centre for the Advancement of Human Rights and Democracy in Ethiopia (CAHDE), he is challenging the...