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Ethiopia: The T-TPLF Trojan Horse of the Apocalypse Riding in Oromiya [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Author’s Note: The ruling Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (T-TPLF) in Ethiopia is said to be on the verge of passing a “law” protecting “Oromia’s special interest in Addis Ababa” and “giving Oromia extensive...

Twenty-six Ethiopians arrested in Karonga for illegal entry into Malawi

By Maravi Post correspondent Police in Karonga on Monday, arrested 26 men who are believed to be Ethiopian citizens, for entering into Malawi without travelling documents. This happened ‪on Monday midnight‬ at Katili. This is the area...

The Cruel Political Jokes of the T-TPLF in Ethiopia [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

“No Political Prisoners in Ethiopia” and “Negotiating With the Opposition” The political prisoners The Voice of America (Amharic) last week reported “16 Ethiopian opposition political parties agreed to discuss the anti-terrorism...

Ethiopia: Collective Punishment by Internet Clampdown [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Last week, for the third time in the past year, the Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (T-TPLF) unplugged the internet. The reasons are a bit fuzzy. Some T-TPLF officials say the shutdown aims to prevent “student cheating...

Los Angels: Professor Berhanu Nega's speech (Video)

Ethiopia turns off internet nationwide as students sit exams [theguardian]

Alex Hern The country has closed its digital borders to prevent leaks during tests after papers were posted online by activists last year Ethiopia has shut off internet access to its citizens, according to reports from inside the...

Empty Suit, Director–General, Gates World Health Organization (G-WHO)[Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

I knew from the get go that the whole WHO “election” for “director-general” was a sham, a set up.  Just like the 2015 Ethiopia “election” which resulted in a 100 percent “victory” for the Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s...

Ethiopian court jails politician for over 6 years (aljazeera)

Former opposition spokesperson Yonatan Tesfaye sentenced over posts criticising the government’s response to protestsa An Ethiopian court sentenced opposition politician Yonatan Tesfaye to six and a half years in prison on Thursday,...