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One of the world’s most important diplomatic hubs is restricting the movement of diplomats

Quartz Africa Weekly Ethiopia, home to the third largest number of diplomatic missions in the world, only after New York and Geneva—has limited foreign diplomats from traveling beyond a 40-kilometer radius (25 miles) out of the capital...

Statement by the allied Oromo liberation forces on the official declaration of a State of Emergency by the TPLF shifta regime in Finfinne/Addis Ababa

The declaration of a State of Emergency by the lawless TPLF regime in Ethiopia is a blatantly egregious act making a bad situation a lot worse. Statement by the allied Oromo liberation forces on the official declaration of a State of Emergency...

Ethiopia is in a state of emergency. The tyrannical government must go [theguardian]

Alemante Gebre-Selassie The country’s deadly protests stem from ethnic division, endemic corruption and high youth unemployment. The world must support calls for a new government The unrest in the south dates back to November 2015, when demonstratorsopposed...

Ethiopia meets protests with bullets [Washingtonpost, By Editorial Board]

ETHIOPIA’S RULERS have redoubled a repressive policy that is failing. Instead of looking for ways to alleviate the pent-up frustrations of the ethnic Oromo and Amhara populations that spilled out in demonstrations over the past 11 months,...

EU Needs a New Approach to Ethiopia [Felix Horne Senior Researcher, Horn of Africa]

In January the European Parliament passed a 19-point resolution condemning the Ethiopian government’s brutal crackdown on protests that had left more than a hundred dead. Many Ethiopians rejoiced at the resolution. I read it to some Ethiopian...

Ethiopia declares state of emergency amid protests [BBC]

Ethiopia has declared a state of emergency following months of anti-government protests by members of the country’s two largest ethnic groups. The Oromo and the Amhara make up about 60% of the population. They complain power is held by...

Protests a serious scare to Ethiopia PM and secretive ruling coalition [Daily nation]

For past five years, Ethiopia has been hit by protests, not only by formal opposition groups but also Muslims unhappy at the imposition of government-approved leaders, displaced farmers, Amharas opposed at inclusion in Tigre region and by groups...

Ethiopia: How popular uprising became the only option [Africanarguments]

In theory, the Oromo and Amhara are well-represented by parties in government. But they have never been perceived to have either legitimacy or autonomy. When Shibiru Amana heard gunshots ring out near his home in the town of Mandi on 26 September,...