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Ethiopian-Israelis seek US intervention against Ethiopian government

Jerusalem Post Ethiopian envoy on Israel: ‘Why isolate a country contributing to human development?’ “The United States must condemn the murders of Ethiopian citizens. I joined because I care about Ethiopia.” Over...

Behind the Ethiopia protests: A view from inside the government

Africanarguments An ex-cabinet minister in the Ethiopian government and former president of Oromia Regional State explains why the current turmoil has come as no surprise.  Scenes from the recent protests. Credit: Jawar Mohammed. For over...

Former professor leads Ethiopian rebel army [bucknellian]

Sasha Weilbaker, Staff Writer An article titled “Once a Bucknell Professor, Now the Commander of an Ethiopian Rebel Army” was published in the New York Times Magazine on Aug. 31 and profiles the former economics professor and current...

Coalition of NGO and Diaspora Groups Support Ethiopia Human Rights Resolution [Amnesty International]

PRESS RELEASE The undersigned civil society organizations applaud U.S. Representatives Chris Smith, Keith Ellison and Mike Coffman for introducing House Resolution 861, entitled “Supporting human rights and encouraging inclusive governance...

Ottawa must speak out on Ethiopian crackdown [FELIX HORNE]

Felix Horne, an Ottawa resident, is the senior Ethiopia researcher at Human Rights Watch. In the past 10 months, Ethiopian security forces have killed at least 500 protesters and detained tens of thousands of people during largely peaceful anti-government...

Ethiopian Paralympic athlete Tamiru Demisse in new finishing line protest against oppressive regime

INDEPENDENT 1500m runner echoes protest of fellow countryman Feyisa Lilesa, who has now fled to the US A runner has become the latest Ethiopian athlete to stage a political protest in Rio, after he crossed the finish line in a 1500m event at...

No joy in Ethiopia region even as New Year fete approaches (AFP)

ADDIS ABABA As Ethiopians prepare to celebrate their New Year and the Muslim feast of Sacrifice, shops in the town of Burayu are shuttered and streets strangely empty amid fresh anti-government protests. With New Year festivities set for...

Ethiopian journalist Yusuf Getachew released from jail [CPJ]

New York, September 10, 2016–Ethiopian authorities today released Yusuf Getachew, editor-in-chief of Ye Muslimoch Guday (Muslim Affairs), who has been imprisoned since his arrest in July 2012, a relative of the journalist told CPJ. Yusuf...