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Open Letter to those Oromo Elites (Zelalem Eshete, Ph.D.)

Open Letter to those Oromo Elites Zelalem Eshete, Ph.D. If we can’t accept each other as our own kind, based on the common denominator that we are all the same human beings, it is easier for us to be inhumane and do inhumane things to each...

What Ethiopia needs is a new federal arrangement - Aljazeera

The recent events in Eastern Ethiopia proved once again that the country’s ethnic federalism is not working. by Yohannes Gedamu After just four months in office, Ethiopia’s reformist Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed already managed to make...

Let’s Help PM Abiy Ahmed Fight Fake News and Disinformation! [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Author’s Note: A few days ago, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said, “’fake news is fueling the Somali regional crisis.” Yesterday, he advised Ethiopians not to buy and spread fake news. Let’s not spread fake news because a lot of people...

Ethiopia: Exploiting the Gulf’s scramble for the Horn of Africa - African Arguments

BY AWOL ALLO Ethiopia’s so far managed to stay neutral and balance its relationships with opposing Gulf partners. But it’s engaged in an unpredictable game. This is the fourth part of The Thin Red Line, an African Arguments series focusing...

PM Abiy Ahmed and Team Abiy Ahmed- Ethiopia: THANK YOU FOR COMING! [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

As the self-appointed Ethiopian diaspora spokesperson, I thank Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, President Lemma Megerssa, Foreign Minister Dr. Workneh Gegebeyehu and the entire Team Abiy Ahmed-ETHIOPIA delegation for travelling thousands of miles...

The Mekele Issue (Jawar Mohammed)

The Mekele Issue  Jawar Mohammed There seem to be concern about speeches made , slogans carried and symbols displayed at the Mekele rally. Some are going as far as suspecting TPLF is threatening to break the region away from the federal system....

Is Dr. Abiy Ahmed the “Liberator” of Eritreans? (By Worku Aberra)

Is Dr. Abiy Ahmed the “Liberator” of Eritreans? By Worku Aberra It is impossible to adequately describe in words the tumultuous welcome that the Eritrean people gave to Dr. Abiy Ahmed during his historic visit to Asmara on July 8. Equally...

Are Ethiopians learning from history? (Solomon Hailemariam)

Are Ethiopians learning from history? Solomon Hailemariam What is happening in Ethiopia is mesmerizing for all Ethiopians and now for Eritreans as well. History is in the making and unfolding. So many of us are absorbed by what is going on in...