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Suspended Football in Ethiopia ( By Damo Gotamo)

Suspended Football in Ethiopia     By Damo Gotamo Football in Ethiopia has been in life support for quite sometimes now. The ethnic virus that has spread in the country like a wildfire has found a perfect home in football. Football venues...

Can Abiy Ahmed Continue to Remodel Ethiopia? - CHATHAM HOUSE

The prime minister has made great strides at reforming the authoritarian state in his first year. But how will he confront the hurdles ahead? Ahmed Soliman Research Fellow, Horn of Africa, Africa Programme It has been a whirlwind year for...

Ethiopia: A Country on the Brinks (By Dawit Woldegiorgis)

Ethiopia: A Country on the Brinks  By Dawit Woldegiorgis Scholar at Boston University, African Studies Center ‘Absolutely Oversold’ As instability and violence spreads across much of Ethiopia, with most recent incidents getting close...

Yes, Mr. Prime Minister your Government is Weak (By Gemechu Aba Biya)

Yes, Mr. Prime Minister your Government is Weak By Gemechu Aba Biya During your press conference on March 28, when asked if your government is weak, you responded that it has never been stronger. The evidence you provided to support your claim...

Open Letter to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Ato Dagnachew Teshome)

The Defiant Eskinder Nega

IDEALS: Trump vs Abiy (Zelalem Eshete, Ph.D.)

IDEALS: Trump vs Abiy Zelalem Eshete, Ph.D.   I never thought there would come a time where would I admire an Ethiopian prime minister over a United States president.  It is a strange time. President Trump is stripping away inherited ideals...

Letter of Appeal to the Ethiopian Prime Minister [GLOBAL ALLIANCE FOR JUSTICE – THE ETHIOPIAN CAUSE]

  GLOBAL ALLIANCE FOR JUSTICE – THE ETHIOPIAN CAUSE   H.E. Dr. Abiy Ahmed Prime Minister of Ethiopia Addis Ababa Ethiopia Your Excellency,    Subject: Justice for Ethiopia for the War Crimes perpetrated by Italy with the Vatican’s...