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Ethiopia: A nation in search of a way out from stormy Politics (By Abebech Shiferaw)

Ethiopia: A nation in search of a way out from stormy Politics   By Abebech Shiferaw   Ethiopia has been well known for its independence, historical and cultural attractions, and relatively stable public life among others. This nation...

Why we can hope that Ethiopia will be spared the worst of the pandemic? (By Dr. Alula Pankhurst )

Why we can hope that Ethiopia will be spared the worst of the pandemic?   by Dr. Alula Pankhurst  The current official projections suggest a worst case scenario up to 39 million people being affected by COVID-19 in Ethiopia. The Multi...

Covid-19: A Big Challenge for Humanity! (By Fikre Mariam Workneh)

Covid-19: A Big Challenge for Humanity!     By Fikre Mariam Workneh       I sincerely hope that you and yours are safe and sound From Covid-19 that is going around.   Covid-19 has become a very distractive power  Invading...

Arab League and their misfortune !!! (Faiz Mohammed) 

Arab League and their misfortune !!!   Faiz Mohammed I have never seen any country, state or union which betrays its essence, its existence, its foundation than the so called Arab League.  Do its members know what the Ethiopians mean...

Who is prime menister Abiy Ahmed Alli ?!? (By Achamyeleh Tamiru)

Who  is prime menister Abiy Ahmed Alli ?!?     By Achamyeleh Tamiru. Introduction This article raises some serious questions on the integrity and honesty of the current Ethiopian Prime minister Abiy Ahmed Ali. As a Bible thumping...

Ethiopian Victory at the climactic battle of  Adwa: March the 2nd. (Abiy Ethiopiawe)          

Ethiopian Victory at the climactic battle of  Adwa; March the 2nd.   Abiy Ethiopiawe              The Battle of Adwa (also called Adowa and Adua) was fought over two days (1st / 2nd March) between Ethiopian forces under Emperor...

Uglier faces of discrimination against the Amhara people in Ethiopia (By Abebech Shiferaw)

Uglier faces of discrimination against the Amhara people in Ethiopia   By Abebech Shiferaw   Discrimination refers to treating a person/group unfairly because of who they are or because they possess certain characteristics. Discrimination...

Ethiopia has become a NO AMHARA’S LAND (Abebech Shiferaw)

Ethiopia has become a NO AMHARA’S LAND   Abebech Shiferaw   Extreme inhumane treatments and discriminations against Amharas in Ethiopia has started long ago. And it seems that such evil practices have been a follow up of false narratives...