
Getish Mamo Tekebel No 4 (Ethiopian Official Video 2018)

Political prisoners thrown to lions in Ethiopia - The Week UK

Reformist prime minister reveals torture practice thought to have ended decades ago Lions, tigers and hyenas have been used to torture and intimidate political prisoners in secret jails throughout Ethiopia, the country’s reformist Prime Minister...

ESAT Yesamintu Engeda Andargachew Tsege

Why Ethiopians believe their new prime minister is a prophet - CNN

By Jenni Marsh, CNN  At 6 am when Gutama Habro arrived at the Target Arena in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the line for tickets already snaked around the block. Within hours, 20,000 fans had packed the venue. “People around me were crying,”...

Interview: Seifu Fantuhun with Tamagn Beyene

Civilians killed, thousands displaced in eastern Ethiopia - Times

Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2018-08-06 15:15:39Z | | BY AFP Fighting in Ethiopia’s volatile eastern Somali region over the weekend has left an unknown number of civilians dead and thousands...

I've Spent a Fifth of my Life in Prison Just for Doing the Work of a Journalist [By Eskinder Nega, TIME]

By ESKINDER NEGA August 1, 2018 IDEAS Nega is a renowned Ethiopian journalist, who has been imprisoned nine times simply for doing his job. He was released earlier this year after spending his longest stint in prison. I became a journalist...

ESAT Live from convention center PM Abiy Sat 28 July 2018