
Ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson linked with prison torture

by Ethiopia Observer A prisoner charged with armed conspiracy with the Ginbot 7 told a court in Addis Ababa that he was subjected to cruel, inhuman treatment in Addis Ababa central prison (Maekelawi), including receiving beatings and punches...

Ayenew Arega (Shalon) - ''Yamenal Belew'' New Ethiopian Music

Getachew Reda EXPOSED | Leaked Video From TPLF Secret Meeting In Germany

Jailed, freed, defiant: Ethiopian journalist fights on (The Citizen)

by Chris Stein/AFP More than six years in jail have not blunted Ethiopian journalist Eskinder Nega’s criticism of the government that put him there. He was released in February, as part of a broad prisoner amnesty, and remains just as defiant,...

Ethiopia: Prominent blogger jailed (by Engidu Woldie)

ESAT News (March 9, 2018) Ethiopian regime security detained a prominent blogger and university professor on the day U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson was in the capital Addis Ababa and had commended the release of political prisoners last...

New Exclusive Interview with Journalist and Blogger Eskinder Nega (Weyeyet Magazine)

U.S. Embassy Statement on the Ethiopian Government’s Declared State of Emergency

We strongly disagree with the Ethiopian government’s decision to impose a state of emergency that includes restrictions on fundamental rights such as assembly and expression. We recognize and share concerns expressed by the government about...

Ethiopia declares national state of emergency (BBC)

A national state of emergency has been declared in Ethiopia just one day after the unexpected resignation of Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn. A statement by the state broadcaster said the move was necessary to stem a wave of anti-government...