

Addis Abeba October 07/2017 – Two credible sources told AS that Abadula Gemeda, speaker of the Ethiopian House of Peoples’ Representatives  has resigned from his post. According to one source, Abadula has “submitted a resignation letter...

The Crisis of Leadership and Legitimacy within Ethiopia’s TPLF Minority Regime

BY NETSANET BULTO Ever since the death of the late TPLF chairman and Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has lacked a similarly dominant personality able to maintain consensus, either thru charisma,...

UN Declares Detention of Opposition Politician Andualem Aragie Arbitrary; Calls for Release

Freedom now Washington D.C.: In response to a petition filed by Freedom Now, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issued an opinion finding the detention of opposition politician Andualem Aragie by the Government of Ethiopia...

Yonatan Tesfaye Animation video (BY EHRP)

Ethiopia must step up political reforms, U.S. 'disturbed' over ethnic clashe (Africanews)

The United States says Ethiopia must open up its political space if its is to cement its place in the future as a “strong, prosperous and democratic nation.” This was contained in a press statement released by the U.S. Embassy in Addis...

The world loves Ethiopian pop star Teddy Afro. His own government doesn’t. (The WashingtonPost)

By Paul Schemm ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Monday marked the first day of the new Ethiopian year, but it hasn’t been much of a holiday for Teddy Afro, the country’s biggest pop star. First, the government informed him that his New Year’s...

How the NSA built a secret surveillance network for Ethiopia (The intercept)

By Nick Turse  September 13 2017 — “A WARM FRIENDSHIP connects the Ethiopian and American people,” U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced earlier this year. “We remain committed to working with Ethiopia to foster liberty,...

[Official Video] Teddy Afro - MAR ESKE TUAFF (FIKIR ESKE MEQABIR)