
Erimas Legeses's comment on Habtamu Ayalew [EthioTube]

Tampere University did the (human) right thing [Helsinkitimes-Finland]

Columns On March 29, President Mika Hannula of the Tampere University of Technology issued a statement that announced: “It is the decision of the Academic Board that [Prime Minister of Ethiopia] Hailemariam Desalegn will not be conferred...

Must watch: Habtamu Ayalew's speech [Video]

FREEDOM NOW: Current Campaigns, Eskinder Nega

Eskinder Nega Ethiopia Eskinder Nega, 46, is a prominent Ethiopian journalist who was convicted and sentenced to 18 years in prison on treason and terrorism charges. Prior his current detention, Mr. Nega was a widely published independent journalist...

Public Meeting on the State of Human Rights in Ethiopia with Habtamu Ayalew

Ethiopia reports deadly raid by gunmen from South Sudan [Al Jazeera]

Murle bandits allegedly crossed into Ethiopia’s Gambella region and killed 28 people before fleeing with 43 children. More than 1,000 gunmen from South Sudan have killed 28 people and kidnapped 43 children in neighbouring Ethiopia,...

Ethiopia has Declared Four National Mourning Seasons in Two Years [BefeQadu Z. Hailu]

1. 19th April 2015 – ISIS slaughtered Ethiopians who were illegally migrating through Libya to Europe in search of better life. Ethiopia mourned for three days. 2. 15th April 2016 – Gunmen from Murle tribe of South Sudan killed more...

Ethiopia: The Power of Grassroots Advocacy Over Paid Lobbying [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

  Author’s Note: This commentary is the third installment in an ongoing series opposing the lobbying efforts of the Praetorian regime in Ethiopia which rules by a declaration of emergency. For years and particularly over the past month,...