
Archive: Page 116

Gebeta Media: Lencho Leta, Major Dawit Woldegiorgis & Prof. Getachew Begashaw (Video)

TPLF Monopoly “on Economic and Political Power in Ethiopia Could Not Possibly Last” – Ambassador Herman Cohen [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Author’s Note: In a recent interview on Voice of America- Amharic Service (for audio of original English interview click here) former U.S. Assistant  Secretary of State for African Affairs and U.S. ambassador, Herman Jay (Hank) Cohen,...

Ethiopia: A Strong Opposition Is the Only Solution to Dislodging Ethiopia's Ruling Coalition

By Yohannes Gedamu, Georgia Gwinnett College The political proteststhat destabilised Ethiopia’s two largest regional states in 2016 have become a major test for Ethiopia’s ruling People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front. The...

No Diplomacy, No Dependency! (BefeQadu Z Hailu)

I believe all changes must come from within Ethiopia. It is the people of Ethiopia who should have the chance to have the ultimate say to make decisions on its fate. However, realities on ground give foreign powers disproportionate opportunity...

Why are tensions rising in the Red Sea region? (AL JAZEERA)

Tensions in the Red Sea region have been brewing for months but came to the fore when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Sudan last month. The visit, hailed as historic, was the first by a Turkish head of state since 1956 when Sudangained...


T-TPLF Playing Political Football with Political Prisoners in Ethiopia [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

TPLF: Does the LF stand for Lie Factory? Is it Meles or Melies? The “LF” in TPLF stands for Lie Factory. Melies Zenawi was the chief executive officer of the TP Lie Factory. With last week’s announcement of  the so-called “release...

Yes, there is Tigrean domination in Ethiopia  (Jawar Mohamed)

In their recent joint interview, chairmen of the EPRDF member parties went out of their way to say there is no Tigrean or even TPLF domination in Ethiopia. Given TPLF has been crying about alleged rise of anti-Tigrean sentiment in Ethiopia,...