
Archive: Page 111

Ethiopian All Parties Stakeholders Convention, Seattle Declaration (Video)

Ethiopia’s next Prime Minister (BY MOHAMMED ADEMO)

Aricanarguments The last week has been a highly dramatic and unpredictable one for Ethiopia. On 14 February, hundreds of political prisoners, journalists and opposition leaders were released from prison. A day later, Prime Minister Hailemariam...

Ethiopia VOA ''Eneweyaye'' Jawar Mohammed, Achamyeleh Tamru, Dr Deresse Getachew and Alula Solomon

'Game Over,' U.S. Congressman jabs Ethiopia's TPLF (africanews)

A United States Congressman has insinuated that Ethiopia’s dominant party, the Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) is on its way out of power. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher tweeted on Wednesday morning, ‘Game Over TPLF.’ His tweet...

Crisis in Ethiopia: elections, and fast! [RENÉ LEFORT]

RENÉ LEFORT  What is urgent is to bring down the tension by focusing the hopes and energies of the activists on a political way out, in the form of a tested, unchallengeable mechanism. The crisis in Ethiopia has suddenly gained momentum and...

Statement on the situation in Ethiopia - EU

Statement by the Spokesperson on the situation in Ethiopia The resignation by Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn opens a period of uncertainty in Ethiopia. It will be important for the new government to have the full capacity to pursue...

Ethiopia’s state of emergency 2.0 [by Awol K Allo]

The purpose of this emergency is not to protect the constitutional order but to silence the voices calling for change. Awol K Allo Last Friday, the Ethiopian governmentdeclared a six-month nationwide state of emergency, invoking a grave...

198 Ways to Fight the T-TPLF’s State of Emergency in Ethiopia and Win [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

“One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The T-TPLF state of emergency declaration is an unjust law! The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress… If...