
Archive: Page 123

U of T professor uncovers churches carved out of rock in Ethiopia

Carving churches out of rock using only a hammer and chisel may seem extraordinary to us, but for those living in rural areas of Ethiopia, it’s simply an expression of faith. “It’s hard work … literally,” says University of Toronto...

Zimbabwe Parliament Speaker Says Mugabe Has Resigned

VOA News Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe delivers a live speech to the nation, at State House, in Harare, Zimbabwe, Nov, 19, 2017. Mugabe baffled the country by ending his address without announcing his resignation. Zimbabwe...

The Sheikh of Ethiopia: How Saudi purge could disrupt an African country (MiddleEastEye)

Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi, one of Ethiopia’s biggest investors, among those arrested in Saudi anti-corruption campaign Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi, an Ethiopian-Saudi dual citizen (Twitter/@amggebre) Dania Akkad Tuesday 21...

Mugabe is out, but don't cheer because Zimbabwe's military is in (BY ALEMAYEHU MARIAM-THE HILL)

11/20/17 10:40 AM EST 10 In December 2016, the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) announced incumbent Robert Mugabe will be its sole presidential candidate in 2018. In February 2017, Mugabe’s wife Grace told supporters that...

HEART-BREAKING: Robert Mugabe letter To All Black People – You Will Appreciate Me More When I Am Gone

The New Age Africa Robert Mugabe to black Zimbabwe citizens – You Will Appreciate Me More When I Am Gone My fellow Zimbabweans, I am writing this letter and hope that all of you will read it and share it. My days on this earth are numbered,...

ET-HIOPIA-WIN-ET: Lemma Megerssa in His Own Words [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

“Ethiopians are like sergena teff [staple foodstuff in Ethiopia made whose tiny seeds resemble poppy seeds eaten as flatbread called injera] (applause). [Grain] that is gathered together. Milled together. Eaten together (applause)… EthiopiaWINet...


Ethiopia’s Birhanu Legese and Almaz Ayana took the honours at the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon, crossing the line in the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in 59:46 and 1:07:11 respectively to win the IAAF Gold Label road race on Sunday (19). Legese,...

The EPRP: Prof. Begashaw Has Been a Loudspeaker for a Plagiarist! (By LJDemissie)