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Archive: Page 200

- I Expect Nothing From 2015 Ethiopia Elections [Ephrem Madebo PR Officer for Ginbot 7 - SaharaTv ]

Ethiopia's newest party takes on ruling juggernaut [Reuters]

BY AARON MAASHO The leader of Ethiopia’s newest opposition party hopes discontent among urban youth will win him support in a weekend election that could otherwise be a clean sweep for the ruling party in Africa’s most populous...

Why Is the T-TPLF Afraid of Its Own Shadow? [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Why are the T-TPLF gods of FEAR, TERROR AND DREAD afraid of their own shadows in 2015? On May 24, 2015, a “parliamentary election” is scheduled in Ethiopia. “Election” as in rigged. Five years ago on May 23, 2010, the ruling Thugtatorship...

As Ethiopia votes, what’s ‘free and fair’ got to do with it? [By Terrence Lyons ]

Washingtonpost Ethiopia, Washington’s security partner and Africa’s second most populous country, is scheduled to hold national elections on May 24. The ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) and its allied...

US State Department issues travel alert to Ethiopia

The State Department recommends U.S. citizens maintain a high level of security awareness during the electoral period and avoid political rallies, polling centers, demonstrations, and crowds of any kind as instances of unrest can occur. Review...

ESAT Special News Reportage on Ethiopia and Horn of Africa Conference

Behind bars for caring/ zone Nine Bloggers

Ethiopia: Opposition claims harassment ahead of elections [AP]

By ELIAS MESERET ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Ethiopian opposition groups are accusing the government of harassing their members and carrying out illegal detentions ahead of the May 24 elections. Yonathan Tesfaye, spokesman for the Blue Party,...