5:21 pm - Wednesday July 19, 5009

Archive: Page 195

Obama Speaks To African Union- Full Speech

Obama urges Ethiopia to end crackdown on political and press freedom

theguardian US president calls for ‘all voices’ to be heard on trip to African nation – where he will also discuss South Sudan crisis Barack Obama urged Ethiopia’s leaders to curb crackdowns on press freedom and political openness...

Financing for (Under) development in Africa? [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

How the West underdeveloped Africa and is now trying to “finance develop” it The “Third International Conference on Financing for Development” was held in Addis Ababa last week. It was billed as a “gathering of  high-level political...

Ethiopian opposition leader, Berhanu Nega, ‘moves armed operation to Eritrea’ [Martin Plaut ]

There are two reports from reliable media that Berhanu Nega, the head of the opposition movement, Ginbot 7, has transferred his operation to Eritrea. The movement is also said to have decided to launch a military campaign against Ethiopia. Berhanu...

Kenyan presidents differed sharply with Obama on gay rights[Video]

To this Ethiopian American singer, 'home is always in flux' [By Monica Campbell ]

PRI’s The World Like a lot of immigrants in the United States, Meklit Hadero’s family arrived to a place unknown, with a single connection drawing them. For Hadero, that place was Iowa, where her dad knew a professor  It was the...

Cut U.S. aid to Ethiopia's despotic government: [Ali Mohamed]

Cleveland President Barack Obama’s trip to Africa this month includes a stop in Ethiopia, the first time a sitting U.S. president has visited the Horn of Africa nation. In late May, Ethiopian voters went to the polls to elect a new parliament....

Ethiopia Claims U.S. Precedent for Crackdown on Journalists [HRW]

Barack Obama is headed to Ethiopia. Will he speak up for the journalists and activists locked up by Washington’s “war on terror” ally? By Laetitia Bader Researcher, Africa Division Early on July 9, guards in Kaliti prison...