
Archive: Page 78

Abiy Ahmed: Protesting Ethiopian soldiers wanted to kill me - BBC

Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has said that some of the soldiers who entered the grounds of his office last week had wanted to kill him. At the time, he defused the situation by ordering them to do press-ups and joining in. Mr Abiy...

Artist & Activist Tamagne Beyene with Neway Debebe - ESAT Special

ESAT Eneweyay: with Journalist & Activist Eskinder Nega

ESAT Ginbot Sebat Welcoming Ceremony in Adama

TPLF must be banned [Tadesse Walle (PhD), London]

TPLF must be banned   Tadesse Walle (PhD), London   Call for TPLF to ban itself, the alternative is unsustainable, at best indefensible and a mockery of justice. Here is the argument: TPLF, ethno- centric political entity from its...

ESAT Bezih samint Prof Getachew Haile

Ato Bekele Gerba & Ato Lencho Letta interview on Ahadu radio

Italian, Ethiopian premiers discuss migration issue

Giuseppe Conte and Abiy Ahmed discuss burden sharing of migrants, says Ethiopian Foreign Ministry spokesman By Addis Getachew Anadolu Agency ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and his Ethiopian counterpart Abiy Ahmed...