5:39 pm - Sunday February 13, 3831

Fire Damages Historic Hotel in Ethiopia [AP]


 A fire department official says a fire has damaged a hotel which is a historical landmark in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

Commander Tadesse Gemechu said Sunday two people were taken to the hospital after being rescued from the fire at the Taitu Hotel which was built in 1907.

Tadesse says the cause of the fire is being investigated. Many of the hotel’s rooms, its historic pieces and a bank office were completely burned down before firefighters put out the fire. The city’s famous jazz club that used to be frequented by foreigners and locals alike, Jazz Amba, was also completely destroyed by the inferno.

Addis Ababa’s Deputy Mayor Abate Sitotaw said efforts will be made to restore the Taitu Hotel.

Filed in: Current Affairs / News