




TO HIS HOLINESS – Pope Tawadros II – Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria


TO HIS HOLINESS – Patriarch Kirill of Moscow – Leader of Russian Orthodox Church


TO HIS HOLINESS – Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew – Archbishop of Constantinople and New Rome

TO HIS HOLINESS – Archbishop Noarhan Manougian – The Armenian Patrarchate of Jerusalem

Your Holiness,

I, a poor, sorrowful, who have faith in the Almighty God, am writing these words to express the difficult time due to the brutal genocide, abducting (kidnapping), torture, beheading, etc., of believers of The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) and ethnic Amharas in Oromia region, Ethiopia. For human beings, to destroy God’s creation – is a gravely sinful act.

Dear your HOLINESSES – The EOTC believers need your prayers during this difficult circumstances and impossible situation.

It is known that the gospel was first brought to Ethiopia in the first century. Nevertheless, the EOTC, one of the oldest Christian institutions in the world, is struggling for existence. The EOTC shall never perish but its believers are targeted for persecution, sometimes to the point of being martyred for their faith.

The animosity against Amhara and EOTC Christians was first orchestrated by small groups. Some were obsessed with havng power over other people and some were tribal extremists. The biggest persecution of the EOTC, in Ethiopian history, traced from the seizure of power of the ruling Prosperity Party (PP) led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, to the present day.

DEAR YOUR HOLINESS – Who is supposed to protect the rights of citizens other than the GOVERNMENT?

As it happens – The GOVERNMENT – Lack of ability to regulate and influence order is the main cause of complete disorder (anarchy) throughout Ethiopia in general and in Oromia region in particular. As a consequence, much of the brutal, inhumane killings of the EOTC believers is perpetrated by ethnic extremists who have no fear of the law and order.

DEAR YOUR HOLINESS – Should not The EOTC Holy Synod be the patron and protector of the lives Orthodox Christians?

Regrattably, The EOTC Holy Synod could not exert its spiritual power. The inner reservoir of strength, wisdom and resilience disappeared from the Synod due to reasons unknown. Astonishingly, not a few ordained bishops of the EOTC are residing in the Western countries. They are afraid to return back to Ethiopia and work for spiritual awakening. It is known that all believers are seen as united in worship in the kingdom of God. But in reality, believers of the EOTC in Ethiopia are abandoned, they have been deserted or left, dying each day.

DEAR YOUR HOLINESS – Please Pray for the EOTC Christians that are neglected. Pray for the protection of the EOTC believers who face persecution by extremists and armed rebel groups.

DEAR YOUR HOLINESS – Please pray out loud. Innocents’ blood is crying out to God from Ethiopia. God has the power to provide help to His children.

DEAR YOUR HOLINESS – We need your prayer and assistance to insure justice and the protection of EOTC believers in all affected areas in Ethiopia.

DEAR YOUR HOLINESSES – Your intercession is important because Christians are called to love each other. Your prayer is perfectly understandable. Prayers bring justice from God.

Obediently Yours

Tserse M F

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