


by BK

The Ethiopian Student Movement during the 1950s is notable for its protest «Land to the Tiller». However. advocates or practitioners of strong loyalty to one`s own tribe stop or hinder positive ambitions by breaking in. Good and optimistic thoughts turned out to be tribalism.
This paper, tackling or taking forward to reflect current reality in the ground, highlights the urgent need for national dialogue. The present day Ethiopia, fragile and vulnerable, is on the verge of collapse.
As far as this paper is concerned, I want to carefully avoid some of the Walelign Mekonnen phrases of socialist thinking and replace them with contemporary ideas. Politics is dynamic, it changes within political systems. I tried to precise Walelign paper entitled «On the Question of Nationalities in Ethiopia» written 17 november 1969, in an appropriate way (in a manner applicable to deal with our problems). He accused Amhara culture, language, relgion and national dress and to some extent Tigrean, for dominating and oppressing cultures, languages, relgions and national dresses of other nationalities.Subsequently, both Amharas and Tigreans suffered the consequences.
I put my blame on TPLF and OLF for exerting brutal tribal force in Ethiopia. PP, an offshoot of OLF, with its puppets ODP, ADP, etc., are responsible for the continuity in ethnic groupings to destroy Ethiopia: the cradle of humanity and civilization. PP-ODP and its counterpart OLF-OLA are one and the same except the race for Menelik`s Palace.
Wallelign, had he lived longer, would have seen the despairing cry of Ethiopia and change his point of view. Dear readers, you may compare and contrast Walleligne`s original article with that of the following that is reconditioned (entering a new political solution).
The main purpose of this article is to remind people of the sacred, yet very important issue of re-establishing Ethiopian Unity and forming People`s Government. This article which is prepared with haste or eagerness may have errors. But I beg readers concern in a humble manner, and not to judge it from lack of awareness and a rigid and ungenerous perspective on the topic or tema. But I still feel it shines a light for a beginning. I expect my readers to avoid excessive negativity or resentment and gossiping about it. Instead every point raised here should be examined in the light of the truth (good wishes for our country).
We have reached this stage in the development of ethnicity, a level where tribalism, a futile dogma, has been taken for granted, and making it appear attractive or favorable, is in the course of its snake journey. The contradictory forces are no more the oppressed versus the oppressors but the Truth versus the fake (genuine versus spurious federalism).
Members of Parliaments (MPs), except few, in the upper political sphere, till now have found it very risky and inconvenient to bring into the open certain fundamental questions because of their fear of being imprisoned (according to the law Mps should not be subject to arrest on their political views). One of the valuable issues which has not yet been resolved since the seizure of power of Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) up to its predecessor, Prosperity Party (PP) is national unity, some factionalists call it ridiculously as a reversion to the imperial system (የቀድሞ ሥርዓት ናፋቂ) but I prefer to call it Ethiopianism and Pan-Africanism. Panel discussions, articles about unity and brave keynote speakers, official periodicals and conversation between intellectual groups have really delved into it couragely. Of course there was indeed the fear that it may put certain individuals, genuine politicians and anti-tribalists and as well the fear that ethnic obsessed persons may take advantage of an honest discussion to discredit Ethiopianism.
Starting from the year 1991 the majorities began to discuss important national issues for the most part everywhere in open sessions. Discussions, even peaceful, provoke the ruling ethnic party and normally led to imprisonment and torture. However, politicians are strong enough to face reality even though ethnicity is grim or unpleasantly cruel. They believe that the only solution to bring back fair rule and justice is to be voice to the voiceless.
What are regional states (RS) of the fake Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) composed of? I stress the word fake because politically speaking at this stage Ethiopia is not a true federal country. Theoretically, it is made up of 12 ethno-linguistically regional states and two chartered cities. Practically most of them have false boundaries. Ethnic boundaries are ethnic time bombs. Can a fake federalism bring enduring peace and stability on the basis of legality and justice?To speak the truth – does the Amhara RS have its own representatives in the parliament? Are the Wolaitas and Gurages allowed to become independent Regional States?
What is this fake federalism? Is it not simply TPLFs artefact and to a certain extent TPLF-OLF connection to destabilize Ethiopia? TPLF implemanted ethnic federalism with the aim of embezzling the wealth of the entire nation in favour of its adherents and other local gluttons. Federalism became a complete fallacy in Ethiopia. Fake Federalism is the cause for extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detention and large-scale embezzlement. Fake federalism is nothing but gold digging. Ask anybody – who benefits from fake federalism? Are they not those who own large industries and the skyscraper buildings in Addis Ababa and other cities? Every misconception, inefficient or dishonest administration comes either from vanity and ignorance!!
And what else is True Federalism? True federalism is a political system in which powers are equally shared between federal states. True federalism is not language federalism or political subterfuges. Ethiopia is a federation without federalism. Look at the despairing cry of Ethiopia due to lack of good governance and failure to be alert, vigilant or observant in the surrounding or in the concept itself.
This is the true picture of Ethiopia. There is of course a fake constitution. Fake constitution is a gold cloth to TPLF and the ruling Prosperity Party (PP) and it is willingly accepted and even propagated by fellow glutton tribal separatists.
To be a resident in some parts of Oromia RS one has to speak oromiffa language, adopt a set of beliefs identified with the region. The Oromo Democratic Party (ODP) impose restriction on the use of the oldest Ethiopian flag.What is wrong with the plain Ethiopian flag? Where comes the fear of the flag (vexiphobia) from?
In some cases to be an «Oromo» you will even have Oromo name. Start asserting your Ethiopian national identity and you are automatically a Neftegna (ነፍጠኛ), that is if you are not blessed to be born an Oromo. In some cases you will need Oromiffa to get a job. We have to realize that it is not the Oromo people who did this harsh (jarring to the senses) and barbarous act, but a few ethnic Oromo extremists for their corruption, bribery and looting opportunities.
To anybody who has got a nodding acquaintance with political economy, so called trade and investment is nothing more than the super-structure of an economic basis of corruption. So ethnic domination always presupposes economic subjugation. A clear example of economic subjugations are low wages, inflation, high taxation, systematic inequality, exploitation of land and resources, etc.
And what about Ethiopia? Ethiopia, Africa`s oldest independent country, is a symbol of African independence. It is a country in which all the people rose up together as one to fight colonialism. Of course we need to fight for a better democratic Ethiopia that all participates equally in state affairs. We should fight so that every one is given equal opportunity to preserve justice and abolish poverty. Ethiopia will be an egalitarian country where its people are treated equally. It will be a country where no one dominates another be it economically or culturally.
And how do we achieve this genuine democratic and egalitarian Ethiopia?
Can we do it through the military? No!! Can we do it through secession? No!! Can we do it through «convince and confuse» ways of deception? No!! Can we do it by organizing show off meetings? No!! How then can we do?
National Dialogue (ND) is the only remedy to Ethiopian internal crisis. ND support reconciliation and transitional justice. A key principle of ND is inclusivity from the outset, involving deliberation among stakeholders and reaching consensus on objectives and rules.
Discussions should be exclusive in character. Warmongers and separatists should not interfere. They do not have a healthy outlook, which is essential for our goal. After all, to applaud ethnic tribal movement is a sin. If anything favorable is written out, it is automatically refuted by all peaceful people on earth.
What can we say about Fano uprising. All know that Amhara people have been subject to ethnic violence, including massacres by TPLF, OLF-OLA and Gumuz ethnic groups.Thousands are kidnapped for ransom and massacred. Orthodox Christians and Muslims living in Oromia are persecuted. Amhara natives prevented from entering Ethiopian capital,Addis Ababa.Barbaric and inhumane acts are becoming the greatest cause of deaths in Amhara RS. Today the ruling party PP is killing innocent Amharas by heavy weapons of war machines, fighter jets and drones. There is also widespread killings, mass forced displacements and ethnic cleansing in some regions of Oromia, either by OLF-OLA, PP-ODP or its criminal gang. (Read borkena, Feb. 23, 2024 – «Koree Nageenyaa – secret government body behind executions and illegal detentions in Oromia: report)
I think the Fano affair is different. Amharas are direct victims of hate crimes emanating from negative propaganda of TPLF and OLF. All support their struggle as long as their intention is to avoid physical and phsychological abuses, racial killings and genocides. Amharas have to fight to save themselves from extinction. For a genuine ND, the government should withdrow its troops from Amhara RS immediately.
Mind you, I am just saying that all internal fighting is not lasting solutions for our goal-the set-up of a genuine democratic Ethiopia.We may support some peaceful struggles, such as civil disobediences, to the extent that they are challenging and weakening the existing tribal regime. The struggle should always respect human rights and democratic values.
We should never dwell on the subject of Eritrea, but we should think about how either we have port in a peaceful way or in diplomacy and live in harmony as neighbors with our Eritrean brothers and sisters. The Ethiopian regime should not provoke Somalia. Sudan and Ethiopia should negotiate for mutual benefits. Horn of Africa (HoA) countries should work constructively for peace in the region. Whatever danger happens to one it will impact the other (spillover effect). HoA must fight common enemies such as – migration, civil war, poverty, injustice, colonial enslavement, etc., instead of fighting each other.
To come back to our central question: How can we form a genuine democratic Ethiopia? It is clear, as I have said it above, we can achieve this goal only through National Dialogue. But we must always guard ourselves against the pseudo-intellectuals propaganda. The discussion can start anywhere. It can even be anything to begin with, as long as led by academicians (historians, lawyers, politicians, sociologists, etc.,), critical thinkers, peace lovers, genuine religious fathers (loyal to their conscious and God), respected individuals and has the final aim – re-building Ethiopian unity with due consideration to the economic and cultural independence of all citizens. It is the duty of every one to ask whether the discussion is free from one who digs for advantages (fortune hunters), «go-fund-me» collectors for trivial reasons, «social media celebrities», hypocrites, sheer liers, opportunists and populists. Democratic discussion, in the long run, will be WIN-WIN to all parties. However, the tribalist movement will no longer remain for good.
Let me finish my view by quoting from a pamphlet (No. 1 of August 1980, page 103) that was published quarterly by the EPRP. I have changed the underlined words in the sentences and replaced them to make it contemporary.
«If today the search for African unity and the right of self-determination exist in a state of contradiction, it is mainly because the type of unity upheld by states in place and their method of realizing stands opposed to the realization of African unity itself. To arrive at a correct perspective, the question of unity must be posed on new grounds {NATIONAL DIALOGUE}, as a result of political democracy and social emancipation {JUSTICE} and not that of forceful subjugation. At the same time, the struggle of oppressed nationalities {OPPRESSED PEOPLE} has also to be progressively detached from petty bourgeois nationalist perspectives {TRIBALISTS SECESSIONIST PERSPECTIVES}and linked to the struggle for social emancipation {SOCIAL FREEDOM} under the leadership of the proletariat.{DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT}»
Then, what is this talk of tribalism, secessionism, etc….. ? Where comes this new hopeless rhetoric- we should govern or else we will secede (be a new country? Can it bring a whole range of social benefit? Can it prevent conflicts between separate states over a territory? Can not scarcity lead to conflict? Is it economically posible to eradicate poverty? Which one benefits from the state of being unstable – foreign dominance or poverty?
As a «political elite» – one should think so many times before endangering the people. We need a wise and well-thought-through prudent. Prudence is inter-connection in contrast to separation. For how many more years should the Ethiopian people suffer? Experiancing adversity leads to politically polarizd attitudes. Let us stop it now. Let us stop biases and political ignorance and save Ethiopia from knocking down.
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