
The Beauty of the Shoes Doesn’t Hide the Bad Smell of the Feet!

The Beauty of the Shoes Doesn’t Hide the Bad Smell of the Feet!


Yinegal Belachew


Tell me guys, in which nation of this planet does a government kill its own people by drones and tanks and mortars almost on daily basis? Which PM or President, along with his crew, divides his people based on ethnicity and destroys others whom he believes are not from the ethnic group he claims to represent? Which leader in this odious world destroys the infrastructure, dwelling houses, unharvested crops, trees, domestic animals, etc. of the people s/he labels as an enemy? Which leader proclaims perennial wars upon his own people? Whose nation’s soldiers of the Defense Ministry are instructed by their commanders to randomly kill, rape, sodomize, loot or plunder their own citizens? Tell me, which leader has burnt the flag of his own country, dismissed his own national anthem and allowed regional racial songs to replace the historic national anthem? Which leader destroyed the history of his own country all in all? In which country does a rebel group conspire with the incumbent government and kidnap the innocent for a big sum of money? Believe me, Ethiopia has become the enigma of humanity.  

To my knowledge, the onliest person in this universe that best fits the destructive actions expressed here above is Mr. Abiy Ahmed Ali of Ethiopia. In cruelty and lying, in deception and infidelity, in ignorance and stupidity, … this guy is far worse than his father, the Fallen Angel. 

God perfectly knows this story; the US knows this; Europe knows this, Asia knows this, which is why Los Angeles and California, Ukraine and Russia, Middle East and East African Rift Valley  are witnessing the prelude of what has to happen in a very near future!! “You reap what you sow”.

Since the coming into power of this satanic guy, Ethiopia and her people have been situated onto a hellish fire whose devilish charisma has astonishingly been growing in an alarming speed. But to the dismay of many rational Ethiopians, nobody seems to understand or perhaps his mission has something to do with an international body which desires Ethiopia to be eradicated from the surface of the Earth and due to this hidden fact there might be an abracadabra to silence the majority. Otherwise, as long as what is happening in Ethiopia is quite clear, some sort of attempt to stop this destruction would come out of somewhere. To my observation, if at all any endeavor comes to sight, it immediately ceases without impact. It remains enigmatic as to why everyone is quiet while an idiot psychotic is killing a nation.

Addis Ababa seems to be beautiful these days. Yeah, she is acting like a harlot who wants to attract people from this promiscuous world whose lustfulness enjoys the suffering of millions of poor people. We know money speaks. But it speaks in the wallets of the 2% people and the speech money emits deafens the 98%  of the population. It is natural fact. Such is the shape of the current world.

The same is true in Ethiopia. Thanks to the money robbed by Abiy Ahmed from poor citizens, Addis Ababa is topographically getting beautiful. Nevertheless, under the beauty of Addis, there is a stench that can’t be hidden by her seemingly good look. There is an oceanic tear under the beauty of Addis. It is with the expense of the impoverished citizens who can’t even eat once a day that few thousands of rich people are living luxuriously and the city is becoming full of lifeless lights – This is what we call  ግንጥል ጌጥ in Amharic. Millions are displaced from Addis and thrown away. Many have become beggars, mad, homeless and there are also many people who have committed suicide. 

This theatrical man, the Shylock of Shakespeare’s play, Abiy Ahmed, has changed Ethiopia to be a country of speaking animals who struggle for mere survival. The minimum salary is around 20 dollars per month. But the living cost demands about 1000 dollars to lead a decent life according to the current market. Surprisingly, the dumb  authorities of Abiy say that the price of fuel is still less than that of other countries, for example Kenya, wherein their salary scales are cognizant of the living cost. For instance, Kenya pays $386.20  per month to a new teacher. Ethiopia pays around $42.85 to a new teacher. You can see the difference. If we keep on this comparison, we will learn that Ethiopian civil servants live ‘between the dead and the living’ according to one of the Amharic sayings.  

Mr. Abiy’s new palace, which is said to have demanded an unknown budget of more than 1.5 trillion Birr for its construction, has wiped out not less than a million residents of that area and around. Still, there is a great fear among the residents of the surrounding areas, for this insatiate PM is not satisfied easily, and hence can willy-nilly demolish them anytime he wishes. Oh God!  Please deliver us from such maddened leaders. By the way, who gave him all this right or power of dismantling everything  since he is a “democratically elected leader” and has to wait for the upcoming election to be or not to be the next PM? 

Anyhow, Addis Ababa is currently in turmoil. We can say that it is just like a dormant volcano. It may change into active one and explode any time soon. Therefore, it is advisable to thoroughly wash the feet instead of titivating them with beautiful shoes and socks. This crazy man, Abiy Ahmed, is smearing all the nation’s latitudinal and longitudinal features with stinky and poisonous glitches. To my understanding, nobody knows this individual. In addition to his mental barrenness, he is a barrel of all psychological diseases under the son. He is generally lunatic though he hasn’t thrown away his clothes yet; he is victim of delusional, bipolar, and multiple personality disorders; he is narcissistic, egotistic, and megalomaniac, in the least. But, what is ridiculous here is that this psychopathic individual is seen as healthy and legitimate leader of Ethiopia because of which he is welcomed with full diplomatic grace wherever he goes. It is irritating.  Personally, I am ashamed of saying “I am Ethiopian” these days.

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