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Dispatches: Yet Again, a Bloody Crackdown on Protesters in Ethiopia [HRW]

Felix Horne Researcher, Horn of Africa Student protests are spreading throughout Ethiopia’s Oromia region, as people demonstrate against the possibility that Oromo farmers and residents living near the capital, Addis Ababa, could be evicted...

Ethiopia’s worst drought in 50 years – over 10 million need food [Martin Plaut ]

                            This emergency appeal has just been put out by Save the Children. Martin ETHIOPIA DROUGHT: SAVE THE CHILDREN URGES INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TO HEED EARLY WARNINGS OF LOOMING HUNGER CRISIS An early response...

Ethiopia's Rastafarian community living in limbo [news24]

Rastafarians around the world see Ethiopia as their spiritual home. Many of them believe the country’s last king, Haile Selassie, was a descendent of King Solomon and the messiah. Many of the men travelled thousands of kilometres to live...

Zone 9 Bloggers 2015 IPFA Acceptance Speech [Video]

We are still prisoners! [ZoneNine]

Evidently six members of the Zone9 & three journalists are released from prison after they spent 14 to 18 months in prison. The three journalists and the two bloggers were released as the charges were ‘withdrawn’in July. While the other...

Ethiopian plane hijacker deemed mentally unsound[swissinfo]

A psychiatric evaluation has revealed that the co-pilot who hijacked an Ethiopian Airlines flight and re-routed it to Geneva in 2014 was not of sound mind when he did so. As a result, the Swiss Attorney General will drop all charges against...

They can jail the journalist but not journalism [By Abebe Gellaw]

On November 7, 2015, journalist Serkalem Fasil posted a Facebook reminder. It was her husband’s birthday. “Four years and two months have passed since we physically separated,” she wrote. “No matter how long it takes, I will persevere...

The Zone 9 Bloggers are Free: but Ethiopia Still Thinks Digital Security is Terrorism [EFF]

The last of the Zone 9 Bloggers are finally free from jail, after nearly 18 months of detention for simply speaking out online. All the bloggers were acquitted of terrorism charges by the Ethiopian courts; one blogger, Befeqadu Hailu...