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DLA Piper charges Al Amoudi and cohorts $5,000 for 8 hours of “work”

Elias Kifle | June 27th, 2014 Ethiopian Review DLA Piper, the notorious law firm that represents blood thirsty dictators around the world, has been after me for the past several years. So far they have filed 3 lawsuits against me on behalf of...

Who is afraid of the E(thiopian) bloggers? (Prof. Alemayehu G. Mariam)

The “dean” of independent Ethiopian journalists and blogger extraordinaire, Eskinder Nega, is serving an 18 year sentence for blogging. The late Meles Zenawi personally ordered Eskinder’s arrest and even determined his sentence. Meles...

Light at the end of the tunnel for the “Dark Continent”? (Prof. Alemayehu G. Mariam)

(Author’s note: This commentary appeared on  Pambazuka.org  on May 29, 2014 as part of a mid-century outlook on possible scenarios in Africa. I make my “predictions” debating myself as a political scientist and a defense lawyer.) Is...

Letter to a beloved daughter of Ethiopia (By Abebe Gellaw)

Dear my good friend Birtukan Mideksa, First and foremost, I would like to tell you how very proud and honored I feel to see you smile again warmly and heartedly wiping off all the tears and agonies of the past. Like a bird freed from the cruel...


By Betre Yacob The Ethiopian authorities are once again moving to pass another legislation which would completely paralyze the last remaining independent publications circulating in the country. The legislation is expected to come into force...

Guantanamo (By Asrat Abrha)

It was on a Saturday [mid-May] that a friend and I planned to visit our colleagues in Burayu jail. Burayu is a small town 23 kilometers west of Addis Ababa. Our colleagues were in Burayu to organize an upcoming peaceful demonstration...

South Sudan: The Phony Deal.

The Current Analyst Both in terms of maintaining the integrity of the SPLM, state and peace building as well as democratization, the conflict is about the soul of South Sudan. Regional and international players have continued to ignore this...

Africa’s investors looking beyond negative headlines

(Reuters) – Investors in Africa are increasingly able to see beyond negative headlines of violence in nations like South Sudan, Nigeria and Kenya, but they also seek more protection against risk for their business ventures, a senior World...