
Archive: Page 130

The Amhara Psychology (BefeQadu Z. Hailu)

To begin with less controversial fact, today’s Amhara is not exactly what it is referred in old historical scripts of the country (Ethiopia). It has mostly been used to refer to the Christians, and also, to mean ‘good people’. It...

ESAT Special Program on H. Res. 128


Ethiopia is a major U.S. ally in Africa. The government in Addis Ababa has long cooperated with Washington on security and counterterrorism while benefiting generously from U.S. aid. In 2016, the U.S. pledged $809 million to Ethiopia,...

Ethiopia is grappling with heightened risk of state collapse, it is time for orderly transition [Addisstandard Editorial]

Addis Abeba, September 27/2017 – Ethiopia is fast descending into turmoil as the result of incessant state-sanctioned violence and repression. Popular demands that precipitated a three year-long protest, which started in Oromia in 2014 and...

Disability advocate Yetnebersh Nigussie receives Right Livelihood Award (DW)

The Ethiopian lawyer spoke with DW about the importance of education and supporting the disability community in Africa and around the world. The award honors those who have found practical solutions to global problems.  Right Livelihood Award...

Oromo-Somali conundrum: Can Ethiopia tame the Liyu police?

Written by Zecharias Zelalem (OPride) ― Ethiopia says hundreds of Oromos killed and hundreds of thousands of civilians displaced from their homes in still ongoing violent clashes in the Eastern part of the country. Conflict along...

Activist Nigist Yirga [Animation video - EHRP]

I told you so, Sai Karuturi. But you would not listen! [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

Author’s Note: Last week, the infamous landgrabber in Ethiopia, Sai Karuturi, wrote a letter  informing the black apartheid T-TPLF (Thugtatorship of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front) prime minister that he has had enough and wants...