
Archive: Page 134

United States gives Ethiopia $91 million in drought aid for food and medicine [The Washington Post]

Women carry water back to their homes in drought-hit Aydora, Ethiopia. The country is facing its third straight year of drought. (Aida Muluneh for The Washington Post) By Carol Morello ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — The United States will provide...

Outrage as Somalia transfers citizen to Ethiopia in breach of national laws (africanews).

There is outrage in Somalia following the reported transfer of a citizen to neighbouring Ethiopia. The detention and subsequent transfer of Mr. Abdikarin Sheikh Muse of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has been labeled as a breach...

13 Ethiopians due in court over illegal status [Capital FM Kenya (press release)]

By SIMON NDONGA, NAIROBI, Kenya, Aug 31 – Thirteen Ethiopian nationals arrested in a house within Parklands are due in court Thursday morning for being in the country illegally. Police said they had rented a house and stayed there while waiting...

ONLF: The Illegal Detention and Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia

Press Release The Illegal Detention and Refoulement of Mr Abdikarin Sh Muse to Ethiopia The regional security of the Galkacyo, Galmudug regional state in central Somalia detained on August 23, 2017 Mr Abdikarin Sheikh Muse, an Executive committee...

Teddy Afro's Ethiopia by Ethiopian Federal Orchestra Band (Video)

Ethiopia shuts down drugstore selling banned substances (AP)

A drugstore in Ethiopia that was selling banned substances to athletes across the road from the country’s main track stadium has been shut down while authorities investigate. Ethiopia’s Anti-Doping Office says it has confirmed that...

Interview with Journalist Girmayeneh Mammo-(SBS Amharic)

The Dawn of a New Era in U.S. Human Rights Policy in Africa: Is Ethiopia Next? [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

“… We express America’s values from the State Department. We represent the American people. We represent America’s values, our commitment to freedom, our commitment to equal treatment of people the world over, and that message has...