
Archive: Page 136

Smugglers Target Ethiopian, Somali Teens for Deadly Trip to Yemen

voanews Despite being seven months pregnant, Mesno Taha left her home in Harerge, Ethiopia to find peace and a better future. She trekked to the Somali zone of Ethiopia, crossed the border into Somalia and paid to board a boat bound for Yemen. After...

ESAT Yehasab Menged

Bewketu Seyoum: Ginjenaw

ESAT Special Documentary Ambassador Girma Biru

The sad story of an Ethiopian prince, taken to England, only to die young [By Martin Plaut]

 Martin Plaut This is a photograph of a sad little boy, who was taken from his family, brought to England, only to die as a youth. The boy in question was Dejazmatch Alemayehu Tewodros, often referred to as HIH Prince Alemayehu or Alamayou...

Sierra Leone: hundreds feared dead in massive mudslide after heavy rain in Freetown (Video)

The Dilemma of U.S. Policy in Ethiopia (Part I) [Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam]

  Introduction to the series… This rather long and somewhat discursive introduction to the ongoing series I have dubbed “The Dilemma of U.S. Policy in Ethiopia: Policy Options” [hereinafter “policy options series”] is necessary to...

Ethiopia’s life under emergency (thehindu)

 Nizar Manek Military helicopters circled above a crowd of thousands during a festival in Ethiopia’s Oromia region in October last. “Down, down TPLF!” one of those who assembled at Bishoftu town in Oromia shouted into a microphone, referring...